Your Opinion


New Member
Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Ok I got my tank settled. I got undergravel filter, 10 gallon wet/dry filter, 1.5'' gravel, 20 watts of floresent lighting with hood... As for fish, I got 3 baby Zebra Danios and a small Leopard Plecostomus. Now I plan on getting an African Butterfly Fish or mabey 3 Neon Tetras. Is everythign good so far. I got my water tested and everythign is doing good. Your opinions... Thanks!
bu settled, do you mean cycled?
also, danios should be kept in a group of at least 5
you don't say what size the tank is.

as already said, danios need to be in groups of 5 or more. the reason for this is they can become aggressive when not done so.
Neon tetras are very fragile and need a mature tank, again they are a schaoling fish and need to be in groups of at least 5.

Leopard plecos will grow to around 50cm so they need an very big tank.
It'm guessing it's a 10 gallon tank, right? I'm going on the asumption that it is. :D If it's not, and it's bigger, then you may want to upgrade the filtration a bit...especially with a Pleco in the tank, as they are super messy fish. And if it's the 2.5 gallon thats in your profile, then really the only thing sutible for a tank that size a Betta. :nod:

I used to keep only three Danios, but after adding two more to make a school of five, I've found they are much better behaved...not to mention they get along great with my boisterous Tetras. :nod:

Neons are super fragile and should only be introduced to a very mature tank...Cardinals are a bit hardier, but should still be held off on for a while.

I don't know about the Butterfly, but I think they may get a bit big for a 10 gallon...not to mention I believe they eat anything that will fit in their mouths, so I'd have to say the Neons (and posssibly the Danios if it can catch them) are out of question.

And yeah, the Plec is gonna get big. If you're not thinking of upgrading the tank soon, I'd consider taking it back and getting something a bit more to suit the size of the tank. Oto cats are a great choice for a small tank. But if you want to stick with Plecos, I'd say try a Bristlenose...great little fish they are, and they generally only get to about 6 inches max depending on the species. You just have to be sure you don't overstock if you add one...they are very messy fish, like most Plecos. :/

Hope this helps! :wub: :D
Thanks for your concerns everybody. It's a 10 gallon, and yes it is cycled. I may just stick with 2 more danions. I think my pleco is good for now, but further on the road I know I'll be sacrificing it so I don't got any to high of hopes. As for algea: I think a hair algea tank be pretty awsome looking. Like algea growing all on the bottum of the tank and up the sides, would this be to extreme to buy some algea and just plop it in there, or should I let it grow on it's own and how? Thank you. I appreciate you guys puting up ith me!

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