You know when....


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
:Your fish have ich.

10) The Tang police start making harassing phone calls...
Musicsmaker of W. Virginia

9) You know your fish have ich if your fish are playing "Connect the Dots."
BarryF of New Jersey

8) Your tang has more whiteheads than you did at puberty.
kentrob11 of Shiloh, IL.

7) Your fish swims up to the glass, blowing bubbles in morse code that spell out ich over and over again!
JulieCL of Kansas City, MO.

6) Your fish thinks that every rock, pipe, coral or other creature is its personal scratching post.
Turf of Duluth, MN.

5) Your cleaner shrimp and cleaner goby form a union and go on strike...
Musicsmaker of W. Virginia

4) An executive at Aquarium Pharmaceuticals sees your tank, and asks if he could use it to test their new product...
Musicsmaker of W. Virginia

3) Your cleaner shrimp has filed for a restraining order...
Michael G. Moye (64Ivy) of Greenwich, CT.

2) People ask about your "Albino" flame angel...
Agu Lukk of Venice, FLA.

1) Your fish has more spots than Monica Lewinski's dress!
trickyblue of La Crosse, WI.


~.....when your friends can't figure out if you are talking about your boyfriend/girlfriend or your fish....

~ . . . when you leave for a few days, and your co-workers aren't sure if they need to "do" anything, so one of them fills up the extra coffee pot with water to age, cause she knows I usually "water" them every week.
~...when your friends & family litterally have to drag you away from the Betta spot at ur LPS... this happens to me too often! ........................LOL!

~...When your boyfriend can't tell if you are talking to him or the fish..."Hi, sweety, how was your day? Did you miss me"

~Are not allowed into a petstore without...

Someone to stop you from buying all the betta's who give you that look....

~Or when you talk to them whilest feeding them, and they give you that 'you talk to your fish' look!!!

~When you tell your co-workers you are going to the pet store to pick up flea meds and they look at you with big eyes and say "Bettas get fleas too?".

~ when you base your travel plans on water change and fasting days.
when you yell at the airline stewardess because the plane won't go any faster on the way home

~ ....when your boss says "Okay, we're not running Noah's Ark here...this has got to stop!"......

(Two weeks later I and my four bettas quit that job and found one that let us grow our family to seven!)
.....or when you're happy that the Feng Shui manual says to keep an odd number of fish, because that means you always have a "good excuse" to add ad least TWO more to your family....

~When you sit a jar of coke (or whatever) by all those jars of bettas, and then pick it back up to drink, and you have a sour taste like poop and fish food, and then something starts flopping around in your mouth and you see your coke is still sitting there

~you have to go on your vacation butt naked because you put to many bowls and jars in your suitcase!

~...when you're getting used to the taste of fish water when you are starting your syphon tube.

~when you count your bettas as dependents on your tax

~You mean they're NOT dependants?!

~When while you're busily feeding your fish, your husband asks "what's for dinner" and you absentmindedly reply "bloodworms".

~you come home from 12 hrs at work, speak to the fish, check email and betta help forums, feed the fish

THEN, kiss your wife hello

~....when you buy your first betta and within the next week you are $100 poorer and your fish has a whole cupboard full of its own stuff.....

~when you decide different families are different strains:

jimmy doe, born of john doe and jane doe
from the doe strain

~and when you stay up all night thinking of ways to reply to this thread

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