

Mar 31, 2004
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Wiltshire, UK
WE JUST GOT 2 BRISTLENOSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are soooo cool. Girl and a boy, both good parents, loads of thier babies in the next tank in the LFS. :wub: :wub:

Cant believe our luck - went in to enquire and give them our two adopted goldfish (another story) and there they were - WICKED :hyper:

Gotta rush back to the tank to see them again.
congrats!!!! you'll have to let us know if they breed for you!!! pics please!!!!!!!!!! :D
One of my LFs has 3 breeding pairs, so they always have tons. The young ones are SUPER adorable. Not that the adults aren't cool either. :wub:
The control I had to master to not buy up the little ones was incredible - they really are adorable :wub: They were only about 1/2 an inch long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ones I got were just over 2" long - so if I am correct in believing that they can get to 5" they have some way to go yet. Bristles are great!!

I know this is mad but.........I have been posting about these and thinking about them for a while but have never seen one 'in real life' before I bought these two last night. When we got to the LFS we had about 10 minutes before they closed for the day and we were taking in two goldfish to them. I mentioned that I was thinking of the bristlenose and said I had never seen one so he showed me loads, then the babies :wub: :wub: :wub: and then said those fatal words "the mum and dad are just here.........."

Impulse buying fishes, no, not me guv :whistle: :D

As he had shut by now he scooped them up and we were gone with two fish we had not seen!! My other half is so trusting - he didn't even know that I was thinking of them before we got in the car :S

I will post the only photo I've got so far if I can remember how to.

*Sigh* Plec love
Bigfish - I see that you are in Cardiff. Pop across the bridge and visit my LFS - they love their plecs so they are always good ones and they have tonnes of them in at the mo.

PM me for the info if you want. :thumbs:

Aint they gorgeous!!!!!!! :wub: :wub:
well, cant tell ya, because i cant see a pic

They are still bagged here. I wasn't sure if I would see them again for a while and I knew I would miss them :rolleyes:

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