Yet Another Problem With My Betta


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I thought we managed to be in the clear finally with problems.
I have just finished my weekly tank maintenance, 50% water change, cleaned gravel (also did my filter since that was not done in awhile).  I've not had ANY problems with fluctuating readings, nothing.
Anyhow... I noticed when my betta flares his dorsal fin seems completely glued together and doesn't spread at all.
NOW what is this??
Wilder help!

I shall try and take a picture.
The best I can manage for a photo, one from each side.  I want to add, the top photo makes it looks like a bit of fuzz but there isn't any sign of fuzz... it looks more to my naked eye like his fin has disintegrated in that spot (the bit near the middle),

I feel like he was so beautiful when I bought him, stayed that way for about a year and then has looked ragged after that.  I want him to be restored to his former beauty but I am at a loss as to why he seems to now suffer so many problems.
On the plus side... he has been eating and swimming normally and seems to have no other symptoms at all.
I am not an expert by any means, but could it be finrot, Prairie?
Is there anything in his tank that could be causing the damage such as plastic plants or decorations or could he be getting it trapped in the filter? Mine has a tendency to loll against the filter and let his fins go in the openings. He seems to like it. Luckily it's not a powerful one.
Glad he seems to be otherwise healthy and hope that Wilder can make some more helpful suggestions
Awe, Prairie, I can only imagine how frustrating and discouraging it must be for you, one problem after the other!
I don't have any experience (other than the initial whilte fluffy growth my very first Betta had when I picked him up from his previous owners) but I remember reading about fin-melt. I read that this type of fin rot progresses quickly. I'm thinking it may be that since you just noticed it now, and it looks to be quite severe. It is recommended to use Tetracycline or Triple Sulfa, but you best wait for someone more experienced to help you make a good diagnosis.
He had (still has) a black patch on his bottom fins that I thought was fin rot and treated weeks ago and that had no effect.... and still it is exactly the same, neither worse nor better.  So, I was thinking fin rot too but I'm not sure.
I am told that we don't actually have antibiotics here in the UK.  I do have Myaxzin (?  not sure how it is spelled) for treating fin rot.
I just recently read a post somewhere, where someone is using potassium permangenate baths for treatments, but is also cautioning about the danger in using it. It is supposed to be very effective in treating fungal, bacterial and parasitical infections. I wish I had saved the link, I now can't find it. Anyways, it may be an idea to look into if you have a hard time getting meds. Maybe Wildbetta or Wilder can advise?
I've never heard of that.
I decided to go back and change my water again, did 90% this time  (50% this morning too) as I read something about fin rot online saying that bigger water changes are more likely to remove the bacteria... so maybe I need to do frequent big big changes too.  It also said to drop the temperature to between 76-78 to slow bacterial growth... so I think that is worth a try.
Despite those two big water changes yesterday, AND adding salt... my betta has developed a spot on his eye.  This is the third time he has developed a spot on that same eye in the same place.  The water couldn't be any cleaner at the moment and yet overnight he developed that spot on top of the fin problem.  :(
That's bad. Poor thing.
All I can suggest using is myxazin by waterlife.
Also try a salt bath.
What bacterial medications do you have at hand?
 potassium permangenate.
You really got to know what you are doing when using the above medications as it pretty lethal stuff.
I think the betta really needs antibiotics now if the same ailments keep coming back.
That means contacting a vet in the UK.
WILDER said:
 potassium permangenate.
You really got to know what you are doing when using the above medications as it pretty lethal stuff.
I think the betta really needs antibiotics now if the same ailments keep coming back.
That means contacting a vet in the UK.
Yes, it sounds pretty scary, even when I read the link I wasn't sure if I'd ever want to try it! Contacting a vet to get better meds is probably a whole lot safer. :)
Will any vet do?  I certainly don't know of any that actually say they deal with fish!
I would just give them a call and talk to a vet over the phone.
Just explain your problems with the fish. Tell them that you tried fish medications from the local fish store but the problem keeps coming back. Start from there.
Hope this helps.
I will do that.  We have a vet down the street that was really sympathetic back when we had a cat with a lot of problems.
That good then. Let us know how you get on if you don't mind.

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