Yellowing Leaves And Melting

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Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2011
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Hi guys got a small problem with some of my plants,
Some of my crypt leaves are going yellow but the veins are staying dark green... then after a few weeks the leaves melt off.
My aponogeton crispus melted away then sprouted new leaves which seem yellow and really brittle, almost transparent and my Hygro pinnitifida is just melting away and going yellow?
Tank details are:
Rio125 2x t5 28W tubes
2ml Easy carbo daily
12ml Easylife Profito weekly
6 hour lighting period
EX1200 filter
What could be causing it? The rest of my plants are a nice bright green and growing nicely
I'd purchase and start to use plant tabs either Tetra Crypto tabs or JBL ferro tabs, although lots of nutrients can be absorbed through the leaves alone, root fed nutrients do better for plant health and growth. :)
Sorry forgot to mention there is about 8 TPN+ capsules in the substrate
Also lighting period. Maybe a little longer? How big is the tank?
I could up the lighting a bit, just that I'm suffering with a small BBA problem so kept it quite low in the hope it dies off when dosing easycarbo?
Tank is a Juwel rio 125, just over 3ft
Sorry I didnt catch the tank size
When my crypts were melting, If you see new growth cut the old rotten ones off so the new growth can be focused on. Also I upped the lighting and made sure my nutrients level were appropriate. How is your iron level?
Not sure on iron level, how would I do a test for that?
Im dosing 12ml of profito a week which is apparently high in iron though, all the melted rotten growth gets cut away as soon as possible
Things like my pogostemon helferi is nice and green, ozelots and nice and dark green with good spots on, wendtii browns are nice and brown, tiger lotus is good, red root floaters good, anubias is fine just a bit BBA'd on the oder leaves
BUT my wendtii greens and aponogeton crispus are a bit yellow and the aponogeton leaves are quite transparent, java ferns have a little bit of brown on the leaves
Apart from those everything else is great
Cat litter capped with a very fine black gravel, unipac stuff if I remember rightly
Aponogetons do better with cooler temps. Try lowering your temps down just a tiny bit.
Start dosing a Complete set of ferts. Melting leaves would normally point to a lack of carbon, but as you're showing chlorosis(sp?) I'd start with the ferts and continue dosing the Carbo at recommended levels. Stuff like crypto tabs and JBL Balls won't cut it as there's a whole lot of nothing in them.
(Tropica capsules where good when they made them, should probably last about 4-6months)
If you stick with EasyLife you'll want to consider Nitro, Fosfo and Kalium for your NPK and continue with the Profito for your trace. (although daily would be better than weekly)

Stick with 6hrs on your lighting if you cant reduce the brightness.


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