Hi in a lfs shop they have some yellow regal peacock for sale and they have them down for a peacfull comunity tank as long as you only have 1 in your tank ?
I would love to have 1 but not sure how well would fit in with the rest of my fish , so thought I would come on here and ask the question before I make another boo boo to my list
My tank is 180 lt but a long tank rather than tall , substrate bottom with lots of plants and hiding places .
3 keyholes cichild males i think
5 guppies
5 blackwidows
1 spotted headstander
10 cories
1 brn
4 kuluies
I would love to have 1 but not sure how well would fit in with the rest of my fish , so thought I would come on here and ask the question before I make another boo boo to my list

My tank is 180 lt but a long tank rather than tall , substrate bottom with lots of plants and hiding places .
3 keyholes cichild males i think
5 guppies
5 blackwidows
1 spotted headstander
10 cories
1 brn
4 kuluies