Yellow Regal Peacock


Feb 21, 2012
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Hi in a lfs shop they have some yellow regal peacock for sale and they have them down for a peacfull comunity tank as long as you only have 1 in your tank ?
I would love to have 1 but not sure how well would fit in with the rest of my fish , so thought I would come on here and ask the question before I make another boo boo to my list :crazy:
My tank is 180 lt but a long tank rather than tall , substrate bottom with lots of plants and hiding places .
3 keyholes cichild males i think
5 guppies
5 blackwidows
1 spotted headstander
10 cories
1 brn
4 kuluies

Sorry but I dont think any of your current stock is suitable - You need to consider the water parameters as well as the tank mates.
Hi I would rather take your word on this as it was one of the better lfs that gave advice and thought as they did not have any of these fish in stock then it was not a selling point.
Since getting my keyholes I fell in love with the cichilds and would like to get another sort in tank aswell but with a bit of colour , any thoughts what else maybe will be ok ? anything size wise upto 6inch would be great
my gupies are quiet old now and will be waiting for them to pass on now before buying
your blackwidows wouldn't survive in a high ph tank that best suits the peacock. i wouldn't mix cichlids with community fish such as guppies and such. i sold my guppies and got peacocks. then moved them to a tank then got mbuna. then got a 4.5x2x2 foot tank for my wifes oscar. once you go cichlid tank you never seem to stop lol
Hi ideally I would love to have just cichild tank own species but I love my cories aswell, I am looking for ideal cichild that would be ok with my keyholes cichild and cories , my tank is not the biggest as 180lt but long 38inches with substrate lots of plants and hiding places . What about blue acra cichild would they go ?
My guppies and blackwidows are quiet old now , so just a matter of time as could not get rid of them now

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