Yellow Mollie


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Jul 10, 2013
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Last night I my yellow Mollie died. Immediately checked water parameters and they were Ammo 0 Nitites 0 Nitrates 10. My feeling is that he was bullied and stressed out by the bigger Mollies and Platys. He was an extremely small fish compared to my Dalmation Mollies. My question is not about him, but about yellow Mollies in general. Do the yellow ones (Creamsycle or GoldDust) Mollies grow as big as big as the Black or Dalmations? I really think his smaller size had a lot to do with his demise. Next one is going to be closer in size to the other Mollies.
I wouldn't call a nitrate of 10 high. A lot of people would die for a nitrate that low; some have 4 times that amount in their tap water!
Hi Grumpy
I think the Creamsicle and Gold Dust Mollys are different types - Poecilia latipinna and Poecilia sphenops respectively. The Creamsicle can get to about 3 inches while the Gold Dust might reach 5 inches. The Dalmations could max out at ever so slightly less than the Gold Dusts at 4.5 inches. If you think the size was the deciding factor maybe just go for similarly sized Golds and Dalmations and avoid the Creamsicles.
Oh, meant to say, sorry you lost the wee yellow one...

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