Yellow Labs / Stocking Ideas / Tank Mates


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
South Wales
I'm constantly thinking on what to do with my 40 gallon, first I was thinking African Cichlids, but prob due to the size they'll grow it looks unlikely :(

We have some amazing yellow labs at my LFS, thinking about purchasing them as a shoal, now to my understanding they are really aggressive, has anybody kept these?, If so are there any fish you can house them with?
You'll probably get better advice on this if you post over in the cichlid section, but to my understanding the trick to keeping aggressive cichlids is to overstock them so they all submit to each other and none of them become dominant.
ive always heard yellow labs are as non-agressive as it gets as far as cichlids go. i have 2 with 2 aceis, 2 red zebras and a brichardi and they get along perfectly. they all swim around with eachother and everything.
Compared to most malawis they are not all that aggressive from experience but doesn't mean they won't try for territory.

There is one fish I would really suggest which I am planning on getting again...the african congo tinanti cichlid they are a real character. I didn't have the big block heads though. The one I had I first put him in a community as the place where I bought it from (fish inc) was very peaceful with the community fish it was with and in my tank it used to swim around with my 2 flying foxes. It never attacked but only defended itself. Once I put it in my cichlid tank it became a little territorial for its cave it used to be in but never attacked out in the open. The one thing it did do which funny he used ot breakup cichlid fights literally. Whenever there was a cichlid fight even on the other side of the 4ft it was come dashing in to break it off. A real character fish.
I wouldn't advise stocking anything with Malawis that aren't from Lake Malawi. I currently have a 75g Malawi setup that consists of 9 Yellow Labs, and 8 Blue Zebras. The Yellow Labs are mildly aggressive as are the Blue Zebras, and there are 2 fish in my tanks that I call "scapegoats" as they are the weakest link and are constantly beat up. I know it sounds cruel, but should I remove the scapegoats the stronger fish will zoom in on another. It is how they establish hierarchy. If you were to add something like Tiger Barbs to a malawi tank, they would probably be killed rather quickly.
How about a dwaf mbuna tank. If you want the labs get 4, 1 male 3 female. Stay away from demasoni they are evil fish. But there are plenty of dwaf species you could choose that are very colourful. Labs are the most sedate of all the mbuna you can put any mbuna with them. I have chipokae in with my labs they are supposed to be evil. But I have had no issues with them at all.
How about a dwaf mbuna tank. If you want the labs get 4, 1 male 3 female. Stay away from demasoni they are evil fish. But there are plenty of dwaf species you could choose that are very colourful. Labs are the most sedate of all the mbuna you can put any mbuna with them. I have chipokae in with my labs they are supposed to be evil. But I have had no issues with them at all.

Yeah, I agree. Demosani are better suited for a species only tank. THey are very pretty but they are highly aggressive. Few people successfully keep them in a a multipecies tank, so its not impossible, but there is a high chance of problems.
Cheers lads, have a few weeks before I have to choose what fish I want, will take into consideration! :)
You could consider the Cynotilapia species and also Rustys. They are all fairly peaceful and don't get very big- 3"-4" mature. The Cyno's will offer you some great color too.

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