Xenia - How Can You Get Rid Or Slow Its Progress?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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My tank is being taken over by xenia and its getting right on my wick. how do i get rid of it because it gets stuck to the rock?
You peel it off the rock, cut it, prune it back, then mount it on rubble. It's a hardy coral, many hobbyists just trim it like a macro. Actually, nerdy fun fact of the day, it exports more nutrients than your average macro.

It has been one of those corals my mom absolutely adores but I avoid like the Plague. Not my picture, but you get the idea.


My weed of choice are green star polyps...


Now, Xenia may be actually the better weed choice. Gsp grows at a slower rate, but is more aggressive and may win battles with lps by smothering. They also absorb magnesium from the water column.

Another fun fact for the day, some Palythoas will eat Xenia. :crazy: Staring at some of my palys, I wouldn't doubt it.

Finally, check your nitrates, Xenia, being a nitrate exporter, will thrive where there are nitrates. Remove the nitrates, and you may possibly control the Xenia.

Hope this was helpful?

Cheers L

I have always loved it when under control as i love the way it pulses and flows but in this set up it has just gone mental and its spreading all over the shop

I checked my nitrates today and they are really low 2 i think will post resuls from all tests later
Love Xenia, just grows to fast lol. The larger portion in my 29 is going into a top corner of my 90 where is can just have that space.

Ok have got to ask if your talking about pachyclavularia or Xenia? Pet hate of mine that it gets called xenia when it's in fact green star polyps or pachyclavularia?
You can cut it and take it to your LFS or peel it back from the rock in unwanted areas.


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