Would this tank setup work


New Member
Dec 9, 2016
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Would a 20 gallon planted aquarium work for:

6 corys
2 dwarf gouramis
3 platies
a cobalt blue lobster
and a handful of shrimp and snails?

Short answer, no, this will not work. Lobster and fish are not good together. As for the fish themselves, I would not have platies and gouramis together especially in a 20 gallon. Either one or the other.

The Dwarf Gourami is still a fish with disease issues depending where it comes from--and I don't mean the store, but the breeder. Best to avoid this fish unless you obtain it directly from the breeder and they are reliable.

Water parameters are not mentioned, and this could impact these fish. The GH , KH and pH of your source water needs to be known.

Lobsters are always a no for planted tanks, as are crayfish. The only thing that can really go with the shrimp is corries and (maybe) platties, because the gouramis will most likely eat them. Like Byron said, either the platties or the gouramis, and probably only one gourami for that matter. Dwarf gouramis most certainly have illness problems, so be aware of that.
Honey Gourami's are a nice alternative, the males are stunning when they colour up.

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