Would they all get along?

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2005
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Ok I plan on having

2 Pearl
2 Blue
2 Gold &
2 Dwarf Gouramis.

Do you think thats a bad idea, will all of them get along?
What size tank and what sexes and with what other fish?

Keep in mind that the blue and gold are the same species - just different colors.
I want to have a male and female of each species
They'll be living with red tail shark, pleco, african frogs, and zebra loach, and some angelfish.
Ok, again, in what size tank?

What kind of africam frog - dwarf or clawed? Clawed will not work long term with any of the fish and dwarf would likely be killed once the angels mature and start becoming aggressive.

How many angelfish is 'some'? Depending on the tank's size, this is very important as most gouramies and angelfish spend their time in the same water level so would clash in a smaller tank.

Now getting a male and female of each is not an option unless you have a realy big tank. If you want to keep all those species, some changes will have to be made.

Firstly, a pair of dwarf gouramies would work but it's unlikely that you'll find females. A couple of males would work if that's the case. If, on the other hand, you are one of the lucky people who have access to the dull-colored females, get yourself a trio - 1 male, 2 females. That's a much better option for everyone. Just a warning, dwarf gouramies may get bullied by aggressive fish (breeding angels for example), with these semi-aggressive fish would be best skipped altogether and are known to be quite prone to disease. I would personaly say you are better off not getting any dwarfs at all. Maybe get a single male banded gourami (colisa fasciata) instead. They look very similar but grow larger (to 4").

A pair of pearls should be fine though only if you have a big enough tank so that the angels, once they pair up, do not harass them. They may also get nipped by the loach if they stray too near the bottom of the tank.

Like I said before, the gold and blue gouramies are the same exact fish - just different colors. As such, don't go for a pair of each as the males become very territorial and aggressive. in fact, you'd be better off going all-female as the males would also likely bully the pearls once mature. If you are willing to do so, get just 1 of each color (both female) or you are realy looking at a very big tank.

Assuming you ended up with the following fish (which is your best option), you would need (at least) a 55 gallon tank:

pleco (if this is a common - or another large plec - it'll need to be rehomed once it starts growing as they get to 18").
zebra loach
pair of angels (you'd have to start out with around 6 and then keep the two that pair up - return the rest)
female gold gourami
female blue gourami
pair of pearls
male banded gourami/trio of dwarf gouramies
The males will fight, so try and pick one male and all females. The dwarfs and leeris will probably get pushed around, it also depends on the size of your tank.

1) How big is your tank? We can't recommend numbers without a size.

2) Your frog is going to get big and eat fish, get rid of him or put him in his own tank.

3) If your tank is small, the red tailed shark will harrass everyone.

4) I hope you have a minimum of a 55 gallon tank, otherwise don't bother, they will die and you will have wasted your money.
My tank is going to be 50 gallons, (I might get a 55 instead). Do you really have to buy 6 angels then return the rest :blink: thats alot of money and I don't know how long the return policy is at my lfs. The reason I wanted to get 1 of each gender was because I wanted to later on in the game try breeding some of the gouramis. Im going to get African frogs, not clawed. It is impossible for african frogs to eat other fish, seeing how from what I've seen, they only get a little over 1 inch, maybe up to 2 inches at the most. I'll use your advice sylvia and start re-doing my list of fish. I had no Idea Gouramis were so cruel!

Thankyou very much for the advice sylvia, I appreciate it more than ever! its really helping me out :nod:

Oh and I also might get 1 or a few cory cats. Do they bother fish/will they get bothered?

edit: for spelling
The reason I asked about the frogs is because both clawed and dwarf frogs are african. If you are getting the dwarfs, that's ok but the angels might eventualy be a problem for them.

It's realy quite impossible to sex young angels so I can't help you there. Maybe try to either get a proven pair (from a breeder) or watch some mature angels at your LFS to determine if any seem to have paired up. You could always just get 2 and hope for the best :p

Cories should be fine as long as you keep them in a group of at least 4. I personaly have had bad experiences keeping them with zebra loaches but it could still work. Just keep an eye on them to ensure they aren't being bullied.

BTW, if you want to breed the gouramies in future, the pair of pearls would be a fine place to start so you don't need to get any more male gouramies than necessary. They are a relatively easy gourami to breed and they also have the bonus of not being as violent whilst spawning so you don't have to worry too much about the female being injured by the male etc.

Good luck with whatever you choose :)
My gold female does chase my 3 corys, but at least there are several of them to spread the chasing around. :p She is my first gourami and the more experienced here say she is quite territorial, even for a gold, and especially for a female. I have quite a few plants and hiding places in the 20g, so the corys can get away from her. Most of her chasing has to do with food. She has never hurt one, just short chases.

That said, I don't like her meaness, but she is one of my favorite fish. She is very tame and will take flakes from our fingers. I have to watch if I am dunking tubifex as I bumped her on the head once when I didn't see her there. I have her now where she will follow my fingers across the tank if I have food. Silly fish. She can always eat then eat some more.

When I get the 55g sorted out I plan to move her there last. Before her will be 5-6 Black Phantom Tetras. Saw these at the LFS again last week and am dying to have them. :drool: Then once the tank settles more, I am adding 5-6 dwarf neon rainbows. Next a pair of Pearls (male and female), then an opaline female, then my gold. Hopefully she won't take it over that way. :D Lots of plants and decorations for territories in there. I hope each finds its own.


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