Worst Day Ever.


Apr 8, 2013
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Grande prairie Alberta
Sorry guys and gals for my inactivity my health has taken a quick turn for the worst, but onto the reason for the post.

Today started like any other, wake up, feed dog/fish, go to work, go to doctors... And that's when the bad started happening. Doctors gave me bad news yet again on my health and condition ( don't really wanna get into it ), then as soon as I leave the hospital I get a call from my lawyer saying that my case about the real estate agent had been dropped due to lack of evidence ( there's 160k I will never see again ) then after all that I go home went to relax by my tanks and notice my crayfish tank looked rather empty... That's because it was, lobsteretta climbed out of her tank. I looked everywhere hoping she was ok but when I found her it was already to late. I was already bummed out from the loss of my betta the day before ( filter sucked him in ) and now this ... I have lost my 2 favorite fish in 2 days.. I don't even know what to think right now cause I got rather attached to lobsteretta :(
Wow man, thats rough. Sorry for your loss of Lobsteretta 
. I really hope you can pull through this, in fact i know you can :) . best of luck with all of this.
*hug* im sorry supra....I really hope that things get better
That really sucks, Supraman, sometimes life can be so unfair! I just hope your health will improve soon, that's the most important thing! 
Mate, that's just bad luck. I'm sorry and hope you get some good news soon!
I am so sorry, sounds like you are having a really rough go, I will send some positive vibes your way 
:rip: That's horrid! Don't worry I'm sure something good will come
along soon. :)
Thanks everyone for the kind words Sorry didnt mean to go all depressed on you guys. It feels so weird coming home and not seeing lobsteretta in her tank :( may tear it down today.
Sorry about your health & your fish, but cheer up bro, if things are so low they can only improve.  Think positive.  Everyone has hard times now & then but they seem to have hit you all at once.  I do sympathize with you.  Chin up and go get yourself another Lobsteretta............ 
Very sorry to hear about your bad luck 
  I always tell myself two things when I'm down in the slumps.
1) From every ending starts a new beginning.
2) Be like a triangle! 
I say number 2 because a triangle is the strongest structural shape there is and I'm a nerd 
so it correlates pretty well. I send better luck your way with sympathy and hope! Hang in there pal things always bounce back! 

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