Work In Progress Tropical Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2011
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well this is my only tank i have room for so went for 4,2,2 (ft) previously did have 4 smaller tanks but moved house and don't really have room for them anymore so decided to go for 1 larger instead.
a few things with this tank is im planning on redoing it all as the gravel in the bottom i don't really like and it seems kinda sharp and more grey than black so going to change to Tesco cat litter when i get round to getting it which i will also then replace the off colored slate and plant more plants possibly get more wood of some kind i know some don't like ornaments but im pretty happy with the large ship (bargain on ebay at £12)

has an APS external and APS powerhead running and 2 54w t5 bulbs and heater so far all it has Stocking wise is 5 small bristle-nose plecs (all under 5cm) but they have amazing color looking forward to trying to catch these for the gravel change

Ignore the back water marks couldn't seem to get them out and its a second hand tank im hoping to hide them with some taller plants eventually


the plants were brought as a bunch so if anyone could tell me what they are would be great full (especially if not aquatic)
wisteria, amazon sword vaills at the back, im not sure of the others
update: ditched the black gravel but to pea sized normal stuff as wouldn't believe ordered tesco cat litter online and they couldnt even deliver there own stuff to me and replaced it with something i couldnt use.

anyway also aquired 11 (1 free lol) red eye tetra and 5 panda corys but did have 2 losses from my original 6 bristlenose so down to 4 of them will upload another pic probably tommorow but lights are off atm
look forward to seeing the pics :)! love red eye tetra's and just out of interest what was that black gravel substrate called that you were using before you got rid of it ?
Was just 10mm black gravel as I buy gravel from a gardening place so it's not branded and only costs like £3 for 25kg same as the new stuff I have but I went for smaller stuff and less sharp

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