Will The Beat Up Fins Grow Back


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2009
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i have a 1.5" green terror i got it 2 weeks ago ago it hasnt healed at all and i fed him cichlid food and bloodworms, etc. one of the pelvic fin is 1/2 ripped as all the fishes at the store get bullied by the bigger midas, etc. and the tail has a missing part like a triangle torned off and the last piece of its dorsal fin as well, he swims very good but wont grow back every fish i have owned, that had nipped fins always grew back in just days with clean water and good food, why wont this one do it? all the water parameters are right, and is not gettign beat up by other fish either the temp is 78 and is 55 gallon tank he is the boss rite now, if it doesnt grow them back in a month, i dont mean grow back but no progress at all i guess ill just do something to get rid of it and get a non beat up green terror, but i hate euthanizing or killing this guy, he is so peaceful with the other fishes compared to what they say on their profiles, even if is a baby is pretty peaceful for a baby, the baby jack dempsey my friend had was hella mean wit the other fishes and was just 1"!! but a jack dempsey is known to have same personality of gt so i think this gt shouldnt get killed just because its fins dont grow back
i have a 1.5" green terror i got it 2 weeks ago ago it hasnt healed at all and i fed him cichlid food and bloodworms, etc. one of the pelvic fin is 1/2 ripped as all the fishes at the store get bullied by the bigger midas, etc. and the tail has a missing part like a triangle torned off and the last piece of its dorsal fin as well, he swims very good but wont grow back every fish i have owned, that had nipped fins always grew back in just days with clean water and good food, why wont this one do it? all the water parameters are right, and is not gettign beat up by other fish either the temp is 78 and is 55 gallon tank he is the boss rite now, if it doesnt grow them back in a month, i dont mean grow back but no progress at all i guess ill just do something to get rid of it and get a non beat up green terror, but i hate euthanizing or killing this guy, he is so peaceful with the other fishes compared to what they say on their profiles, even if is a baby is pretty peaceful for a baby, the baby jack dempsey my friend had was hella mean wit the other fishes and was just 1"!! but a jack dempsey is known to have same personality of gt so i think this gt shouldnt get killed just because its fins dont grow back
You can't seriously be thinking of killing a healthy young fish just because it's fins are not perfect. If you don't want it, advertise it free or cheap for rehoming in the Classified -livestock section. I am sure another member will happily offer it a good home
i wont kill it just feed it to my needlefish so is at least more natural, there are millions of feeder fish that get eaten everyday i dont know what is the difference between a goldfish and a cichlid they are still fish and both get eaten the same way, dont scream at me for feeding a fish, because im pretty sure people have fed feeder fish and nobody gets mad at it just because they are "feeder fish" any fish can be called "feeder fish" is not a scientific name... but yea i wont feed a 7$ fish instead of a .13 cent fish.

Nobody wants to buy a beat up baby fish, that doesnt even grow back its fins, sry it was just silly to read, i guess ill just have to hope it heals, my last firemouth had a part missing on its dorsal fin it never grew back very sad, my advice is check that the fish u r buying doesnt have any severe ripped fins such as this one which is not even that bad
Seriously are you a troll?

All your threads make me laugh for the wrong reasons.

Yu should join MFK, you are far better suited there with your storys and misadventures.
my advice is check that the fish u r buying doesnt have any severe ripped fins such as this one which is not even that bad

how about take note of your own advice then
lol dont feed it to a needle fish!!!
and anyway i thought u knew all about green terrors?
anyway. dont kill it just give it time to grow its fins back. it might take a few weeks. all fish are different.
*speechless :lol:

I've just clicked 'all topics' in your profile - If you're not a troll you really need to find a different hobby! :crazy:
I'm still laughing from the 3 second rule in one of his other posts from last week

Seriously dude I really don't know what to say to you

I am guessing you were a little neglected as a child
yes i dont like this site 2much, ive read if fins are too beat up they wont grow back, and u guys dont even read seriously a feeder fish is still a fish a goldfish or a cichlid would u keep a full grown beat up panda uaru?
Join Monster Fish Keepers mate and have more of the discussion you want over there, you wont get any responses you like from any of us here with the attitude you have to your fish...

All of us here look at fish with a bit more love and admiration, fins heal and grow back if given time, why not try it, you know the time thing...you really do just seem to want to find an excuse to feed any damaged fish to your needlefish though...

First the 3 second rule to get around disease and now this...please....

edit: I do wonder whether you have been through quite a few fish forums and left each one after a bit because of your attitude to fish and the responses you rightfully recieve
omg.. beat up fins will grow back if givin the time u are just impatient. And you should go join MFK. You'll get more anwsers there.

AAnd about the uaru . Yes i would keep it because im not impatient like you and i could wait for it to heal.

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