Will 20 shrimp produce enough ammonia for (shrimp)in cycle ?

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Bichir dad
Apr 14, 2024
Reaction score
Vineyard utah
My wife made her decision to get 20 shrimp online , we have a tank we are making into a shrimp tank I just thought I had more time.. will 20 shrimp provide enough ammonia for it to cycle correctly? I’d be adding tss+ //quick start not sure yet. Thoughts?
My wife made her decision to get 20 shrimp online , we have a tank we are making into a shrimp tank I just thought I had more time.. will 20 shrimp provide enough ammonia for it to cycle correctly? I’d be adding tss+ //quick start not sure yet. Thoughts?
I have over 100 shrimp in a dedicated shrimp tank. Ammonia and nitrate levels are almost always zero.
It depends on how much you feed them but if they get some food each day, they should produce ammonia that can start the filter cycle. However, shrimp don't do well with ammonia or nitrite in the water so keep the levels low or you might lose the shrimp.
ok I know they are delicate I was hoping i could just throw all the tss in and feed them normal and let them sit with all the java moss and plants we got. Hoping that would just let it cycle along with letting them breed
If it is a shrimp only tank, there is no need to cycle it.

With lots of plants and botanical like Catappa and oak leaves, very low and sparingly feeding at first.

A good water change schedule and slowly increase feeding over the months as the colony buildup.

The only thing I did with my shrimp tank is, let the plants establish a bit and the leaf litter gain some biofilm then added a dozen shrimps, a good dose of bacteria starter and nearly not fed them the first 2 weeks.

Use a shrimp safe plant fertilizer like NilocG ThriveC. This is a key factor in enabling your plants to use as much nitrogen as possible.

Also, use only high quality specialized shrimp food in the beginning they are formulated to last a lot longer in the water and have a much lower pollution output.

Wait until the tank establishes before starting to give blanked veggies etc...

Since the setup of my tank there has never been a sign of nitrogen in the water.
Shrimp will be here in 2 days. We’ve got live plants and high quality food , maybe 30 minutes before I add them I’ll add all the quick start and tss and add em all and leave them alone for a while
Shrimp will be here in 2 days. We’ve got live plants and high quality food , maybe 30 minutes before I add them I’ll add all the quick start and tss and add em all and leave them alone for a while

Your first step is to check out the acclimation process and how to deal with stressed shrimps.
Save the money, there is no reason to get the Quick Start, The Tetra Safe Start (the +) will be more than sufficient. ANd they will also contian the right bacteria which the other product will not.

The Jave moiss will do more good than the Quick Start for sure. Between a mass of moss and the TSS, you will be fine. if possible get them into the tank with sma;; a bit of ammonia a day ahead and you may be more than cycled. The ammonia will wake p the bittle bacteria and get them good to go.

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