Wildwood Trip


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
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middx heathrow
just got back from wildwood where i picked up a polypterus delhezi hes about 4" i will try and post a pic when i get a chance.i paid £30 for him was i robbed?seems expensive hes so small :/
I wouldn't say you were robbed though the price is certainly on the high end of the range for a small Polypterus delhezi. My personal philosophy when buying fish is that a fish is worth what you're willing to pay for it. I have purchased fish on occasion and then found a similar fish at a later date at a lower price. Of course I am a bit chagrined about paying the extra money but it doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the fish in any way.

In my personal opinion, Polypterus delhezi is among the best looking of all the bichirs (along with P. ornatipinnis and some of the P. palmas subspecies) and what it gives up in overall color and pattern to P. ornatipinnis it more than makes up for in overall activity level and personality.

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your new acquisition!

Delhizis have been a bit hard to come by for the last couple of years, i dont know why but bichir availabilty seems to go in seasons and this year the commonly seen species is P.palmas, as well as the usual ornates and senegals which are now a routine fish in most stores. £30 would be about average for what ive seen about in the last few months.
they were marked up on 2 different tanks for 2 different prices £20 & £30 so when he rang it up as 30 i said it says 20 on the tank :/ he said it was 20 for the small ones and coz it was the last one you couldnt compare it to anything :/ so i think he done me a tenner oh well i got the fish ive wanted for a long time and im well pleased with him :thumbs:
Bah, humbug :grr: I'm after a delhezi, ATM it seems like I'm going to end up with a senegal or ornate :( Good price though, hope mine won't be too much more... I've already ordered a p. sp. 'congo' and I don't even have the tank yet :S
''dont know why but bichir availabilty seems to go in seasons''
This might help explain the seasons remember with the exception of P.senegalus
the majority are wild caught
Breeding seasons in the wild
Of species I could find information on.
Polypterus senegalus senegalus
June and July -CHAD,-- basin
August, thru Oct. -Gambia,-- gambia river
Aug. thru Nov. -Senegal,-- lower senegal river
June thru Nov. -CHAD ,--no location given
May and June, --upper white nile river
there seems to be no mating from Dec. thru April in the wild or at least not reported or
P.Bichir bichir March thru November in-CHAD
P.lapradeiJuly thru Sept in- GAMBIA
P.lapradei July thru Oct -- senegal river
P.delhezi - no reports
P.endlicheri--May thru Aug --cotre d'lvoire- Bandama river
P.endlicheri--Sept-Oct -Chad-Chad basin
P.endlicheri--July-Aug-Sudan --White nile river, Khartoum
Purchasing Bichirs
There are basicly three ways to purchase bichirs
1.Wait around hoping your favorite store gets some in
2.Ask if they can order them from their suppliers most good stores can be very accomodating this way
3. Online there are number of suppliers.The drawback to this and the above is someones picking
your fish or you.
This said lets say you found a store with a number of bichirs of the same species what do you look for
1.clear eyes,
2.all fins present,(pectoral,pelvic,anal.and dorsal finlets)
3.no noticable fungal or parasitic problems
4.look for one thats more active than the others,
5.make sure it mouth is fine and nostrils (2) are present(the mouth is fairly delicate and often damaged
in transit)
6.Color or pattern
And ask a couple questions how long have they been in the store?This can be very important.Most
Bichirs are wild-collected, many by native plant poisons,others thru trapping and often starved before
shipping in crowded,questionable conditions.Some won't make it sorry to say.Most that are not going to
will die within a week or two.The best way to insure your fish will is to wait that 2 weeks either place it on hold
or make sure it been there that two week period.Other questions are they eating? and what are they being fed?
and ask to see it eat.-Anne
wildwoods is way to expencive for everything if you want good fish at a good price go to wholsale trobicals in bethnal green road london
i have been meaning to get down there i hear its great its not too far from me either :)
Bah, humbug :grr: I'm after a delhezi, ATM it seems like I'm going to end up with a senegal or ornate :( Good price though, hope mine won't be too much more... I've already ordered a p. sp. 'congo' and I don't even have the tank yet :S

why don't you just go to liveaquaria.com? thats where i obtained my delhezi...for $90 though including shipping...took a bite out of my wallet haha and it's not too big to start with when your 15.
Because live aquaria dont deliver to England. :no:

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