Why Is My Water So Cloudy ?


Mostly New Member
Feb 8, 2014
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Hi All,
        I decided last week to upgrade to a bigger tank so i bought a Jewel Trigon 190 and a new Tetra 700 cannister filter,  On Friday i started to set it up doing the following, i took some of the ceramic stones from my old filter (Eheim Ecco pro 130) and also some of the filter matting and added it to the new cannister filter along with tank water from my smaller tank, i then put all the water from my smaller  tank into the new one and made up new water ( removed chlorine etc) to top up the rest, once the tank was full i added the fish i have at present ( 4 platys and a dozen cardinal tetras) i then started up the new filter and it is giving a decent turnover however my water is very cloudy with a green tinge to it, it has now been running for three days/ nights and i done  50% water change after day two but the water is still very cloudy, does anybody know what could be causing this ?, i have double checked the filter material is all in the correct way etc .
Any help appreciated.
What are your water parameters? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) It could be a bacterial bloom or an algae bloom.
You should have moved over all of the filter media if you were moving all of your fish to it, not just some. Do you still have the rest so you can add it?
Is the tank near a window? How long are the lights on? Did you rinse the substrate well?
I checked my readings today and have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate, ph is 7, temp is 29, i only moved half my fish over as i gave some away, no sunlight on tank or anything like that, no substrate in tank until yesterday where i washed silica sand around x8 until very clean, no difference after adding sand. Im afraid i cleaned out the eheim filter today as i have advertised the old tank and equipment. I am starting to think it is bacteria related and i will have to leave it for a few days, i will however keep testing daily in case i get a spike, if so i will change out 25% of the water. Thd lights ard T5 x2 so quite a bit brighter than old tank, only on for around 6 hrs per day.

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