Why Hybridise Species?

i think hybrids are good to go. Not only do i think they are cool in the aquarium, i like to fish for hybrids where i live. i live in the middle of the US and the cross between a white bass and striper (whiper). white bass stay small, the ocean striper(which get huge) were crossed not only for good fishing(they get very very big!) but commercial food. the average white fish in supermarkets is ocean striper or are the farm grown hybrid whipers

its very useful being able to make hybrids. especialy in the laboratory. a big plus is the fact that hybrids are often more hardy than one of the two species...outlasting other fish of its previous kind (part i love)
Funnily enough one of my books (the Aquariology Fish Breeding and Genetics one) actually gives dosing instructions for using hormones to grow bigger and more colourful male guppies...

It isn't just through hormones, however- in koi farms, for example, the eggs and sperm are physically removed from the parents by 'massaging' them out, and mixed externally.
Hybridized fish IMO are a good thing..most cases. I don't see why people care. Its not like the fish knows his swim bladder doesn't work or mouth isn't normal...all in all people they are just fish. A good example of good hybrids being good is the white bass striper mix..whipero they are mass produced for the fishing industry and also bred on fish farms for food. They are bigger faster stronger and less prone to disease. I am for hybrids unles they are made and cannot function...only left to suffer. But hey once again they are just fish!
Hybridized fish IMO are a good thing..most cases. I don't see why people care. Its not like the fish knows his swim bladder doesn't work or mouth isn't normal...all in all people they are just fish.

I am for hybrids unles they are made and cannot function...only left to suffer. But hey once again they are just fish!
making statements like that (they are just fish) on a fish forum could cause some disturbance :)
Yeah, I think saying "fish A will die for the good of fish B C D and E" will cause a lot of disturbance.

Basically, epic word walls. WORD WALLS I be saying.

I think the hybridisation of fish (as long as it's not too messed up, eg, injections..) is just speeding up the natural course of nature.
having read this I am not convinced that most of the posters understand what a hybrid actually is.

Read nmonks post carefully.

First:- line or selective breeding of a species for a particular trait is not hybridisation.... this is where we get cats, dogs, guppies, swords, discus etc. Still a single species or sub-species bred selectively for a particular trait;-colour, shape, etc.

Second:- mutation sometimes occurs that can fix a new trait or "create" something unexpected.... eg "albino discus" are not strictly an albino in the "usual" sense of the term, I suspect that many dog & cat lines will also contain a degree of mutation.

hybridisation is the crossing ( often forced or in vitro) of two separate and distinct species. If they are similar species (genetically) in vitro mixing of gametes may result in viable eggs, (eg malawi hybrids, occurring principally because of a lack of suitable mates of the same species) otherwise more "advanced" techniques are required. results in fish like blood parrots, flowerhorn etc.

Hormone treatment has nothing to do with hybridisation, it is intended to enhance an already dominant characteristic and improve its expression in the phenotype..... damn you've made me go all technical :rolleyes:
Personally I think hybrids are unnecessary, there are enough species out there to last several lifetimes, & are nothing more than an ego trip for the creator
i think hybrids are good to go. Not only do i think they are cool in the aquarium, i like to fish for hybrids where i live. i live in the middle of the US and the cross between a white bass and striper (whiper). white bass stay small, the ocean striper(which get huge) were crossed not only for good fishing(they get very very big!) but commercial food. the average white fish in supermarkets is ocean striper or are the farm grown hybrid whipers

its very useful being able to make hybrids. especialy in the laboratory. a big plus is the fact that hybrids are often more hardy than one of the two species...outlasting other fish of its previous kind (part i love)

Hybridized fish IMO are a good thing..most cases. I don't see why people care. Its not like the fish knows his swim bladder doesn't work or mouth isn't normal...all in all people they are just fish. A good example of good hybrids being good is the white bass striper mix..whipero they are mass produced for the fishing industry and also bred on fish farms for food. They are bigger faster stronger and less prone to disease. I am for hybrids unles they are made and cannot function...only left to suffer. But hey once again they are just fish!

Just out of interest... why? You posted almost exactly the same thing 5 ish months later, and it's not as if anyone between the two posts had actually said anything apart from 'this is how you do hybrids'.

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