Why Do My Guppies Keep Dieing?!


New Member
Nov 12, 2012
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Im new to this forum and joined because i really need some help.
Since I bought my new 60litre marina tropical fish tank a few months ago I have had a total of 9 adult guppies, but all seem to pass away for some reason I don't understand, all I currently have left is one pregnant female guppy as I lost my other pregnant female yesterday. All my other fish have been fine and none of the other fish ever seem to bother my guppies so It can't be anything to do with that. The males sometimes seem like they are struggling to swim before they die and constantly try to swim against my pump where the water is being shot out, could this mean anything? I have 7 baby guppies at the moment in a breeders net which are all doing fine and starting to colour up nicely, I just don't want them to pass away as well and I need to keep my last female. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thankyou for reading and please could you help me out if you think you might know what the problem is or if you have any information, I keep my tank at between 24-27c at all times!
you dont say what are your water stats are, ammonia, nitrite in particular? if you can provide this then we can start from there otherwise we would just be guessing whats going on,
Did you cycle your tank before adding your fish?

Do any of your fish have signs of ich? Swimming against the current can sometimes be a way a fish is trying to get relief from an irritation such as parasites.
Yes the tank was fully cycle'd before any fish was added
Yes the tank was fully cycle'd before any fish was added

How exactly did you cycle your tank?
If the tank is just a few months old I am presuming some of your guppies were subjected to fish in cycle. Even if fish don't die during the cycle, it can cause permanent damage to organs and they don't last too much longer after that.

Also, considering that you avoided posting tests for ammonia and nitrIte, you don't have a test so you don't know whether the water quality is causing your fish to die and that's where you should start in order to find out. Once this is ruled out as a possibility(which in most cases is the problem or the trigger), you can start searching for other reasons. Also, try to keep the temperature constant, not a fluctuation of 3 degrees. 27 degrees is fine for fry as it helps them grow faster but is on the hot side for guppies(shortens their life span)
In my, limited, knowledge, I started this hobby around this summer, I have experienced a lot of issues with guppies. Finally giving the fry away to a LFS after the (seperated) mothers passed away. The male passing a while before them.

Platy's, no major issues. But guppies seem a lot harder to manage. Even with regular API master testing, the guppies always got poorly. Maybe I just had sick fish.

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