Why Do My Cichlids Rub Their Faces Against The Glass?


Let's Be Friends
Oct 2, 2011
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Every kind of cichlid I've owned does this. From angels to firemouths to the green terror. Even when I'm nor standing by the tank. What is so appealing about rubbing the glass with their nose?
Every kind of cichlid I've owned does this. From angels to firemouths to the green terror. Even when I'm nor standing by the tank. What is so appealing about rubbing the glass with their nose?

They swim up and down like crazy?

Like this:

The only times my cichlids have ever done that is when the water isn't right for them. Other then that I haven't seen them do that. I had a Nitrite spike of a little over .5ppm about a week ago from replanting, overstocking and feeding. The bolivian notified me of it because he was doing that. I changed the water right away and it took him about 3-4 days to stop doing that.

He has now relaxed and chilled back out. Sometimes I notice the Kribensis doing it.

Mika told me it was normal behavior on occasions but he was going crazy on it.
They usually don't swim up and down while they do it. Just side to side. I'll get a video when I see it again.
My Severum occasionally swims mouth open up the glass I have always assumed she is trying to get some algae off the surface.

My Severum occasionally swims mouth open up the glass I have always assumed she is trying to get some algae off the surface.

that sounds more like it. My green terror always seems to be biting the glass while he does it.
My Severum occasionally swims mouth open up the glass I have always assumed she is trying to get some algae off the surface.

that sounds more like it. My green terror always seems to be biting the glass while he does it.

I've seen mine do that to leaves...and in the middle of the water. Haven't seen that against the glass yet.
my oscars do that I always thought they were attacking there reflections. try putting a mirror up to the tank and see if the GT goes crazy :hyper:
my oscars do that I always thought they were attacking there reflections. try putting a mirror up to the tank and see if the GT goes crazy :hyper:
My gt won't hurt a fly right now. I recently added a green severum (after the red one passed) thats only the size of his head, he hasn't even flared at it. None the less at anything.
who knows mate? im pretty sure when my oscars do it they are attacking there reflection
My oscars go mad when I put a mirror infront of the tank, they just try fighting there reflections. Cracks me up :good: Iv'e only done it a couple of times though, don't wanna drive em crazy

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