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May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
okay first off i have a few questions, um how many inches is a "normal" 55 gallon?

I will be getting them soon

I want to have these in the tank.........

clown loaches, bala sharks, and rtbs, maybe some swordtails

i was thinking about the quantity of the fish?

how many those could i have?

i want...

4-6 clown loaches
4-6 bala sharks
1 rtbs
? swords

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:


okay heres the bad news.............i didn't wanna talk about this but.......dont wanna keep yall waiting no more............

ALL OF MY CORY FRY DIED............I dont want to talk about it no more, it was the happiest and saddest thing that happened in my years of fish keeping........ :no:
you can do what you want with that tank :) I want to do an angel pair for my 29g but i'd have to give away so many fish. I'm already giving my barbs away becuase they are becoming a nucence.
lol its a 55 right? well you could get a dragon fish! (i think he should be ok in there...maybe) those look so cool! A little freeky and ugly but cool!
here it is


it looks mean and deadly but its a good community fish :) it works with the following, Angel Fish, Silver Dollars, Swordtails, Mollies, and Corydoras Catfish. They eat ghost shrimp and black worms or frozen brine shrimp or live. Oh you can keep them in cool water also with Goldfish such as Fantails, Black Moors, Telescopes, and Orandas. They get about 22' if they have big parents but 15' is where most to all stop growing.
nah, i want a community tank with LARGE fish, i know that the dragon fish is ...cool and stuff but...i really adore the clown loaches and the bala sharks :/

I'm just wonderin if this is ok or how many i can fit?
You have 1340 posts on the website and you cant answer this question......What have you been posting?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: HAHA! that is the best one I've heard yet LOL. I'd say you'll be fine with that group , BUT, the shark will get a bit too large im afraid the sharks will get too large to house that many.
Shizat said:
You have 1340 posts on the website and you cant answer this question......What have you been posting?

.................... I have been posting to learn >.>

I already know what to put in it, i just wanna put as many fish as possible, i mean i can just do it myself, but i wanna see what yall think...notice i only have 2 10 gallon tanks right now, i have NEVER own "big" fishes, so even though i know about it, i want to make sure, is there something wrong with that?
.................... I have been posting to learn >.>

I already know what to put in it, i just wanna put as many fish as possible, i mean i can just do it myself, but i wanna see what yall think...notice i only have 2 10 gallon tanks right now, i have NEVER own "big" fishes, so even though i know about it, i want to make sure, is there something wrong with that
Not a thing, in fact, it's ALWAYS better to ask if you're not sure, and congrats on moving up to bigger and er, well, bigger things :D
I'm sorry but it really irritates me when people are criticized for asking questions when they have a high post count. :/ I have a high count too and I believe I am knowledgable in some areas, but if you were to throw me into oddballs I would be SOL.

If you are venturing into something new and you don't know the answer ask! That's what the forums are for :sly:
Your fish list sounds fine if you want an algae eater get a few otocinclus, they don't grow big and eat algae.
So that would be:

4-6 clown loaches
4-6 bala sharks
1 rtbs
3 swords
2-3 otos

It ok that you still ask question while already have posted over a thousand posts :) I don't mind!

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