Whole Tank Spawning


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, California
This Sunday has turned out to be pretty exciting as far as my aquarium goes. My Cherry Barbs have been spawning since yesterday, my Rams have been courting for the last 3 days and are spawning as I type this, and my Rummy Nose Tetras started going at it about the same time the Rams did. I am just going to leave all the fish in there and see if any fry make it. The Rams chose the best place in the tank they could have, so as long as they are good parents, they should have some fry make it.

I noticed all the fish get really comfortable once I put some new plants in the tank that are really bushy. They look like Hornwart, except they have alot of roots and I think I read Hornwart is a floating plant?

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