Who Has A Male & Female Honey Gourami


Fish Crazy
Feb 17, 2012
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ashford, kent
im getting a male honey gourami tomorrow to go with my female.i just wondered how your were with each other??
Although I only have one honey gourami at the moment, I have had pairs over the years and also a trio. The problems I've had have been with the trio, where one of the females took a dislike to the other. With pairs, they were fine together. The males did chase the females when they were 'in the mood' but not badly. The only damage has been nipped tails which regrew very quickly. The females have largely ignored the males if they didn't want to spawn, and never seemed stressed from his attention. No female of mine has ever been harassed badly by a male.

But you can get rogue fish. I got my solitary gourami to add to a an existing pair to try a trio again. Although she's a yellow colour morph, she has short rounded fins and a dark stripe so I'm 99% certain she's a she. She took such a dislike to both of the pair that she had to be moved to another tank. Although the pair have since died and I've moved this female back to the main tank, I'm worried she won't accept any others and behave towards them like she did to the pair. She's been on her own for 15 months now, and is showing no signs of suffering from being alone.

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