Who are your best gardeners ( plant tenders )

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
My Armano shrimp are like Edward Sissorhands to my Java ferns making them all look like Madagascar Lace, which keeps them from growing much… All still alive, just not growing much… but I do think they are beneficial to the African Water Lettuce, cleaning the roots, so those always look clean and nice, as well as trimming up any bad leaves

2nd is kind of surprising… I have a pink kisser fish ( helostoma temminkii ) that doesn’t damage the plants but meticulously removes algae, and biofilm from the leaves and stems… he’s actually about as good as a common pleco, at cleaning up, but without the Lincoln logs 🪵
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My otos and nerite snails do some good work on the plants to keep the biofilm down and work some on the algae. In my small tank, the corys dive into the thick spots of plants to find food and uproot them sometimes.

Right now I have a LOT of algae in my larger tank, so I think I could use an army of gardeners- I end up being the one doing most of it at this point. I'm hoping that I'll get it under control soon so that the fauna can resume their natural duty of taking care of the flora.
Did somebody say Amanos?

Mr Kisser may get more ambitious with growth. They are fed agricultural refuse where they are farmed, and eat stems, stalks and leaves. He may have a hidden talent just waiting to be discovered.

None of my fish garden, not even the gardneri.
Your experience with your aquarium inhabitants is fascinating! It reminds me of when I was planting creeping thyme in my garden. Each plant had its own unique role, just like your Armano shrimp and pink kisser fish.
Your experience with your aquarium inhabitants is fascinating! It reminds me of when I was planting creeping thyme in my garden. Each plant had its own unique role, just like your Armano shrimp and pink kisser fish.
It's amazing how nature provides such diverse helpers for maintaining balance. Maybe introducing some new plants could provide a fresh challenge for your aquatic friends while keeping your tank looking pristine.

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