

Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
middx heathrow
about 3 weeks ago i got ich in my 100g.treatment did not go well and i lost 3 clown loach :( after they died ich seemed to die with them so i put the final dose in and that was that :/ sad but it could have been a lot worse i thought.couple of days later i notice my bgk in the 50g has the spots and is rubbing on the sand so i added half dose of ich treatment and the next morning hes dead and the pictus cats dont look well.i must have spread the ich to the 50g somehow or its just really bad luck :/ i do weekly water changes and weekly water tests and im feeling very disheartened by all this and for the 1st time im wondering whether to give up fishkeeping
Sorry to hear about your losses...

With regards to considering giving up fish keeping... think about the amount of joy they bring you, as opposed the bad moments such as this, and you will probably realise that it is best not to give up.

All those fish you mentioned are particularly sensitive fish. Was it full doses you gave them, or did you half the dose?
i treated with half dose like the instructions said but it did not seem to do anything and by the time i changed treatments it was to far gone for the loach. all the other fish were uneffected by the ich :/
Try not to get disheartened about fishkeeping, I had a problem in one of my tanks a while ago and my favourite corys died :sad: (and I mean favourite as in they had real characters and I loved them to bits)...At one stage I also felt like giving up and several times i wondered why I had even started this hobby I enjoy so much!! But that feeling doesn't last, a few weeks on and I am back to laughing at my remaining corys crazy behaviour, waiting in anticipation for my first ever female guppy to give birth in one of the other tanks and have even just set up another new 10G tank - so you see, the enthusiasm is back and I have resolutely decided to not let ANY fish disease or other fishie disasters spoil it for me :p So chin up and good luck from now on :thumbs:

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