White Stuff


i need to stop buying plants....
Sep 26, 2011
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okay long story short.

i put a bit of apple tree in my tank (it was from a live tree), bleached it. but dident let it soak. now from where some small branches snapped off its got white wavey stuff on it.

is this sap? and think its safe for the fishy's

tank's empty at the moment :blush:
Could possibly be sap, more likely it's mould, you get that with not totally finished wood, even on some wood from LFS's.

You can generally brush it off, but if it keeps coming back you'll need to soak your wood for a bit longer.
the woods not been soaked yet. the tanks fine besides 50ppm in nitrites (everything else 0) which is weird as there's no fish in it.
im thinking it's sap as it was taken from a live tree and i ran a syphon over it and it comes off easy just a but unsightly. i want to know whats causing such high nitrites (im using mature filter media). unless its the fish food i put in there the other day ( to keep the media mature) but that shouldent be showing now should it?
Perfectly normal with collected wood, I use collected wood all the time, plecs absolutely LOVE this white fungus so do some cichlids. Just remove it and wash it off and put it back in the tank, it stops growing in its own time. Anything from a few days to weeks depending on the size of the wood.

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