Well, I got home from work earlier on and was just sitting down to have my tea and having a look at my fishies when I noticed a little white spot on the fin of one of the rummynose tetra, I checked the others and noticed that several of them along with a few of the barbs also had one or two white spots
Luckily there's Pets@home about 2 miles from me which is open until 8pm so I quickly drove down and picked up some Interpet white spot treatment. I did a 50% water change as it was due tomorrow and then dosed up the correct amount of medicine. I have to repeat in 4 days, hopefully I've caught it in time and the med's will work..................

Luckily there's Pets@home about 2 miles from me which is open until 8pm so I quickly drove down and picked up some Interpet white spot treatment. I did a 50% water change as it was due tomorrow and then dosed up the correct amount of medicine. I have to repeat in 4 days, hopefully I've caught it in time and the med's will work..................