White Spot


Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
SA13 South Wales UK
Well, I got home from work earlier on and was just sitting down to have my tea and having a look at my fishies when I noticed a little white spot on the fin of one of the rummynose tetra, I checked the others and noticed that several of them along with a few of the barbs also had one or two white spots

Luckily there's Pets@home about 2 miles from me which is open until 8pm so I quickly drove down and picked up some Interpet white spot treatment. I did a 50% water change as it was due tomorrow and then dosed up the correct amount of medicine. I have to repeat in 4 days, hopefully I've caught it in time and the med's will work..................
That really stinks and just when you are getting started as well lol. I'm sure they brought it with them and there wasn't anything you could have done about it. Good luck on the treatment!
doing the right thing straight away, good man :good:

Good luck getting rid :)
When I had an external filter with a built in uv light I was told by a few on here that it was pretty much useless and just used up electricity. This one may be different though...
My favorite LFS uses UV. I use one. If you're willing to pay for it and the replacement bulbs, I think it can't hurt and might help. If I get White Spot again I will change my opinion.

How did you fair when your fish had white spot, did you cure it/lose any fish? I've not had a good look at mine today yet as the light is set to go on @ 15.00 so will check them then as I don't like putting the light on/off. They are all swimming around fine though so i'm hoping I can get rid of it without any fish loss.
I did cure it and didn't lose any fish but it was about a 16 day battle! I raised the temp to 82F, added some aquarium salt and used Kordon Rid Ich Plus. I continued to treat 3 days after all spots were gone and no fish were flashing. I've read that Ich med manufacturers purposely give shorter treatment advice to sell more product when the Ich returns! The life cycle of Ich can last up to 35 days! I hope you win the battle without losses! :good:
What's the temp of your tank? You may want to slowly raise the temp to 82F. This will speed up the lifecycle of the parasite and cause it to drop off the fish faster. Makes the meds more effectiveas the parasite is only killed in free swim form. :) Good luck!
Waterlife Protozin did the trick for me a while ago. Cant be bothered to run UV.
I'm not really happy with the heater that came with my tank as it's a bit fiddly to set the temp correctly. The disply on the heater never matches my glass thermometer so I've had a look around and spotted one of these;


Which I THINK you can adjust via a digital display so you can set it more accurately, anyone tried or have one?
I don't have one but now I wish I did! Even my Eheim heaters had to be adjusted to match the setting dial to actual temp.
I don't think the temperature gauge on your heater being a little off indicates that it's faulty at all. From what I understand it's pretty standard for them to be a little inaccurate. Just use your tank thermometer as a guide and set the heater appropriately.

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