White Spot Treatment


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
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Hi all, I've just started a white spot treatment for a friend (two clown loach riddled with it) anyway its saying to do a 2nd dose in four days, it's the interpet treatment.. would I need to do a water change before the treatment or just go ahead with it.
Her tank is an aqua one 850.
Thanks glenn
i would suggest doing a water change, to make sure none of the "old" medicine is still in the tank, then do the next treatment. It should say on the bottle or bag on what to do, but always ask us incase you have troubles
Thats what i like about this forum Thanks, it just says calculate the dosage, take out carbon filter, while treating tank, put second dose in after four days. Put carbon filter back in after 7 days..
as long as their isnt to much of the medicine in the tank you shouldnt have any issues, unless the meds you are using are killing the Good Bacteria within your substrate and filter media
DO NOT do a water change. Follow the instructions on the bottle. White spot treatment usually last about 5 days. This is because the cysts (that's what white spot is) go through a lifespan. It's normal to add the first dose then the 2nd dose to go in in a couple of days and then the third dose 3 or 4 days later.
If this treatment doesn't work I can recommend Waterlife's whitespot treatment. It's very very good
It doesn't say anything about a 3rd/4th dose, nor a water change before the 2nd, I was just asking about the WC, just incase.
hi, glad you came back. I was worried.
All different treatments will work slightly differently. I'm used the Waterlife whitespot treatment which, I think from memory, is a 3 stage dosage. The one you have is obviously different and that is fine so long as you follow the instructions.
So, did you do the water change between dose one and two?
If you did it's unlikely the treatment will work as you removed some of the first dose before you added the second. It's a bit like being given a 5 day course of anti-biotics and taking half of it one week and the other half a week later. 
where are you now with the treatment and how are the fish looking?
I took out 50l (5 buckets) obviously put 5 back in, 5th one I mixed the treatment in. It says to put the carbon filter back in after 7 days.
how are the fish looking? Is the white spot going or are they still covered?
I couldn't see it properly, as they hide in the ship wreck,but the lady I'm doing it for (they're her late husbands fish) say they seem to look better.
Can I just ask if you checked that the treatment you're using DOESN'T contain any copper?  Loaches can be susceptible to copper based medication.
Wow, I never knew that, I'll look when I get home..Thanks.
I didn't know that either but I do know clown loaches are susceptible to white spot. You will probably find that the medication does contain copper as most white spot treatments do use it
It doesn't mention copper, I'll be checking it tomorrow or Tuesday
Well just went round, one clown loach has perished the other has cleared,other fish look Ok, done a 50% clean, and getting some carbon tomorrow (fingers x)
I am thinking of just getting carbon granules and putting it in a mesh bag....or should I just buy the actual cartridges?

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