White Spot Near Betta's Eye


New Member
Aug 27, 2012
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Hey people!

I bought a male betta fish just over a month ago. He is in a 9L tank which is both filtered and heated to around 26 degrees Celcius. His eating habits are great! I feed him a small portion of betta pellets a day; enough for him to consume in a few minutes. I also give him frozen bloodworms as a treat once a week and fast him one day a week to prevent constipation. He is very active and always ready to greet me when i walk into the room. I do a 25-50% water change every week. I put aside a jug of water the day before to allow it to cycle and just prior to commencing a water change, i add a few drops of Stress Coat + to ensure the tap water is safe. I also clean the filter around 2 times a week. I always maintain the temperature when doing a water change too. I dont see any problems with how i care for him. His got his own little hiding place for when he wants to "chill". However, a few days ago i noticed a small white speck near his eye. He never had it before. I tried taking a photo but he kept moving and they turned out blurry. Only way i can explain it is like this; you know how when we wake up in the morning we get sleep in the corner of our eyes? Well its in the same spot. It looks like betta sleep lol its only one spot near his left eye. He seems to be acting normal and i cant see any other problems. The thing is, im just a little worried. I thought it was ick but i google imaged it and they look nothing alike. Plus, its only the one spot. I just hope it doesnt turn into anything! If youve had this before, please let me know. Your responses are greatly appreciated :)
My first guess would be it's a parasite. If your tank does not have real plants, you can treat him right where he is by adding half a teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon (9L = 2.3 gallons so I'd just add one teaspoon). Before doing water changes, do the same thing with the prepared water. Keep this up for a week and it should take care of the parasite. Don't do it any longer than a week though. If it hasn't cleared up by then, please post again and we can look at what else it could be.
You shouldn't clean your filter every week if you happen to do what I think you do, which is clean the filter and the filter pad. As for the spot it is probably a disease, I had it once on a betta. It shouldnt be a problem if you leave your filter alone and do your daily water change it should go away like mine. Just watch for increase in sizes.

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