White Dots On Clown Fish


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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I know i've mentioned this before but i'm pretty sure there's something wrong with 1 of my clown fish. She has 2 white dots one on her dorsal fin and one on her face that she has had for 2-3 weeks now. Below is a picture i have put green boxes around area to make it easier to see.


I'm not sure if i should give her a fresh water bath, but i don't want to stress her if it isn't going to help. My other clown is completely mark free although the bigger one with the marks was more stressed when being acclimitized.

Water stats are all clear so i'm done founded.

She doesn't appear to be acting in an aberrant fashion and doesn't appear to be tryng to rub off against anything.
If she has had those two for two weeks I would be inclined to set-up a qt box/tank asap and treat with copper. I hate fresh water dips, must be soooo stressful

Seffie x
I will offer my different opinion... Clownfish don't really do well in copper, I would probably do a freshwater bath, if nothing else, to narrow down what it might be, it's tough to tell if it's parasitic or something else.

If you do a freshwater bath correctly, it is perfectly OK for fish... I have done literally dozens of them and never lost a fish from it. You just need RO that is buffered up to the same pH and temperature as the tank. Put her in for about 5 minutes and then right back into the tank. Nearly all parasites are going to fall off with a bath. It's not a cure, but helps with diagnosis and temporary relief.

Just my two cents!
Go with whatever Nemo considers the best route, she has far more experience with clowns than I do :good:

SEffie x
I'd agree with the fresh water dip, what sort of shape are the white spots, do they appear to fall off and re appear at certain times?

I had a problem with Isopods with my set up, as well as white spot, it totally ruined the hobby for me.

They don't look to be Isopods but could be parasitic.
They've been on her since maybe a day or 2 after she was placed in the tank. When i freshwater dip her should i do the male as well. He doesn't have any signs on him but it may be the safest route.

I figure that what ever it was took advantage of the lowered immune system due to her stressing when i acclimitised her, I'm just surprised that now she has settled it hasn't gone away.
Both spots still remain after giving them a freshwater bath. Should i wait a while for it to work or is there something else I should be doing now.
parasites generally fall off almost immediately in a fw dip... Did you leave her in there the whole five minutes? Any chance of a clearer picture??
Yeah i did her and the male she went in first and came out last and the male had 5 mins so she would have been nearer to 6mins. I've tried today to get a better picture but my lack of tri-pod, macro lens and also my inability to use a camera properly have just given me a load of images which are so blurry they give me a head ache.
Uriel what does the spot look like? Does ot look furry? Does it look smooth? Is is perfectly rounded or is it mishaped?
I'm thinking fungal Nemo??
The spot on the dorsal fin looks sort of loose and flaps about like a bit of flake food if it was stuck there if that makes sense. The mark on the face looks like an 0 to me it protrudes above the contour of the face. The little one looks to have something white and flapping just below his pectoral fin now as well :(. He won't stay still long enough for me to see. Could it be some form of white worm maybe ? I thought fungus was a sign of bad water quality and all my stats have been immaculate ?
I'm wondering if it maybe worms a couple of times I have seen stringy poo's and reading on the internet this is not common for marine fish who it is more like a sandy discharge ? Also i saw something in tank earlier thet looked like a worm with a head similar to a feather duster except more tenticley. I tried to catch it but it got caught in the flow from power head and was gone.
Just a quick update I've QT my 2 clowns and treated with Praziquantel Based medication. The spot on the face and fin have gone now but there poop is still white and stringy. I've heard that the stringy poop can be a sign of malnutrition. But Not really sure where to go from here ?
Feed good quality mysis, finely chopped prawn, mussel and try to get some frozen food with spiro in, they may just be constipated

Seffie x
cheers seffie. I've got frozen mysis on hand. should i feed a bit of flake in between ? What is spiro ?

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