Which Top Swimmers


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2005
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Near Leeds, W.Yorks
Got a 300 litre with 3 uaru, 3 clown loaches, loads of cories and a couple of plecs.
Looking for something suitable for the upper levels.
Any suggestions?
African butterfly fish
striped apnchax
half beaks
hujeta gar

Sorry but I'd have to disagree with everything, except the African butterfly. The other three are not compatible in terms of water parameters needed by the Uarus. Really though, with 3 Uarus and clown loaches, eventually that tank is going to be maxed out. Both of those fish have the potential of getting very large and meaty. Just my two cents.
Given that Clown Loaches love and originate from strong currents, that rules out ABF and Golden Wonder Killifish straight away.

I'd look at a tropical temp current loving danio or barb species, Giant Danios would be right at home, but there are some less common ones too. Another possibility are Filament Barbs, depending upon the dimensions of the tank.
The Uarus come from waters similar to discus and would not like the higher flow, nor would they do well with the hyper activity of the danios/barbs.
the uaru get big and will bully the discus

uaru do best in groups of 4 or more i would get more uaru and stick with what you have
the uaru get big and will bully the discus

uaru do best in groups of 4 or more i would get more uaru and stick with what you have

Sorry, I wasn't recommending discus, just that Uarus come from a similar habitat and wouldn't like being blasted around the tank.

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