Which Tank Aquaone Aquanano 40 Or Eheim Aquastar 60?


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Oct 9, 2012
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Been looking at tanks for ages and have landed on 2 which I have the option of. Trying to decide between these 2 tanks the aquanano 40 and the aquastar 60, both have 55litre capacity and include heater, light and filter. The aquanano is slightly more expensive but affordable. Can't decide whether I like the cube or rectangular design best!

Which has the best equipment and which would you reccommend or have experience of?

I have the aquastar, i got it in May. Mine was labelled as an aquastar pro, which meant it had plastic skirting to turn it into a floating base tank. Looking on Eheim's website just now, it seems the 54 litre one no longer comes with the skirting. So I'd advise tyou to check with the shop as to whether it has skirting or not.

It may say it's 54 litre tank but that's right to the top of the glass. When I filled it, I measured the water I put in using a 7 litre bucket, and I put in 45 litres with the sand, decor etc already there. That didn't worry me very much as my plans for the tank meant it would have been understocked, so now it's about fully stocked.

It came with a Jager heater and a pickup filter though I haven't used either of them. The tank was a replacement for an old tank that started leaking so I used the heater and filter from that - why cycle a new filter when I already had a fully cycled one?

The tank itself feels a good build. There are flaps in the lid to feed the fish but I need a bigger hole for cleaning the tank so I take it off. It has a T8 fluorescent tube, so it is easy to source replacements. The tube uses the same end caps as Juwel Rios (I have one of those too).

Sorry I can't help with the other tank though.
Thanks for this it's really useful to get an opinion on this tank as there's not much info on it out there. I'm going to take another look at them at the weekend and make my decision. In the meantime if anyone has any more advice that is welcomed?
Anyone else have any experience with the aquanano40?

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