Which Is Better For Algae Cleaners ? Cherry Shrimp Vs Bristlenose


Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2011
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hey this is just a wee topic about which is better in your opinion and why ?

im just curious on what you guys think i have both....

but im not going to say my view because my last top like this about guppies or platies didnt go to well for me as the platies are winning atm but its not over yett:)

hope this goes well :good:
I would say bristlenose.

For cherry shrimp you would need a considerable population. Where as a pair of bristlenose would accomplish more.
Bristlenose of course, it can eat it far quicker than a bunch of shrimp.
Bristlenose are algae eating legends! I would assume amano shrimp would be more useful than cherries as they;re commonly called 'algae eating shrimp'?
Also BN would clean the algae off of the glass whereas shrimp would not. Only drawback with BN is that they are huge poop producers so you have to gravel vac thoroughly weekly. the other thing is if you do get one dont expect it to just live on algae - they need a varied diet just like any other fish of frozen meaty foods and also algae pellets and fresh veg.

Im a huge fan - here is my mr and mrs BN - had them both for about 2 years.

very nice pic there :) yous have good reasons haha well this didnt take much of a debate ha we know what wins already then thanks :)

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