New Member
Hello. I'm Olivia, a new member from Michigan. I've just started keeping bettas since last year, and unfortunately due to the size and location of my town I can only buy fishes from either a major chain pet store, a supermarket or a privately-owned pet store that is just too far. I've bought and lost my last two Betta splendens from the chain pet store, and now I've decided that I'm going to stay away from that place like a plague. Too many of their stock is either ill, dying or already dead whenever I come visit. I thought I could always nurse them back to health, but apparently I can't make them live long. I tried googling about online pet stores (e.g. but I've read more reviews saying "all/some of the livestock died" than "the livestock lived a long, healthy life". Then there's this woman saying that "no matter what fishes will die when shipped because of stress", and that's when I drop the idea. So where do you all buy your Bettas from? Somewhere that can guarantee health and longevity?
Here's the thing: I am in the process of recovering from trauma, anxiety and depression. It's usually my dog's job to keep me sane, but he's all the way back in my home country now. I won't be able to have him here with me until about next year or the next two years. The idea was to keep another pet while my dog isn't around. Since I live in an apartment fishes are the only type of pet I can get. I love Bettas because they're so pretty and cheerful. Plus, it's one of those fishes that prefer living alone so they're easier to bond with. The problem is: they're easier to bond with. Each time I lose one I have to deal with a whole new layer of depression I totally don't need on top of the ones I'm already dealing with. So it is absolutely important for me to NOT receive a sickly or dying fish when I make a purchase. I need a hardy Betta that can stay with me for many many years. Where do I go?
Thanks in advance for your attention, and I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. Thanks again.
Here's the thing: I am in the process of recovering from trauma, anxiety and depression. It's usually my dog's job to keep me sane, but he's all the way back in my home country now. I won't be able to have him here with me until about next year or the next two years. The idea was to keep another pet while my dog isn't around. Since I live in an apartment fishes are the only type of pet I can get. I love Bettas because they're so pretty and cheerful. Plus, it's one of those fishes that prefer living alone so they're easier to bond with. The problem is: they're easier to bond with. Each time I lose one I have to deal with a whole new layer of depression I totally don't need on top of the ones I'm already dealing with. So it is absolutely important for me to NOT receive a sickly or dying fish when I make a purchase. I need a hardy Betta that can stay with me for many many years. Where do I go?
Thanks in advance for your attention, and I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. Thanks again.