Back story: went to pet store to buy a new beta fish. Ended up walking out with a Baby Biorb Kit a black molly, a bubble eye goldfish and a Betta. The employee told me; beta was fine to put in with the goldfish, and that I could go home and just fill up the tank according to instructions, acclimatize fish and all would be well. Within 24 hrs I removed the betta because he picked on the other fish ( popping one of the bubbles on the bubble eye and picking at his fins ) ... but he seemed ok, both eating and swimming. About one week after set up, the bubble eye and molly had white spots, I assumed it was ich from the stress ( but could have been fungus or infection from being picked at ). The bubble eye was starting to act strange and would wedge himself in the plants and not move... so I went to the pet store the next day and was told to buy some aquarium salt and the Biorb First Aid Kit. So I did that, following the instructions. Within a few hrs the bubble eye was dead ( this was last evening ) and this morning the molly was dead. Today I brought the water to be checked and was told it had a PH about 7.6, slight ammonia and something else ( forget now ). I spoke to another employee who appeared knowledgable, he said to do a 50% water change, and that should correct the issue and to leave the first aid kit in the tank as it wouldn't hurt. I came home with a new little lion head and a molly. I changed the water while noticing it smelled VERY chemically. I added a little more salt and acclimatized the new fish. I left the house shortly after adding them and came home 2 hours later to the lion head on the top laying on his side and the molly at the bottom barely breathing. I scooped them out, put fresh tap water and water treatment in a jug and put them in after a few minutes... The fish are now a little perkier, but I have no idea what to do ! They can't live in a jug for long with no oxygen I don't trust the water in the biorb... help!