Where Am I Going Wrong? Fish Constantly Dying!


New Member
Jul 23, 2014
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I purchased a 40l Panorama tank and set it up roughly 4 weeks ago. I added the usual: tap water conditioner and bacterlife and let it sit for a week. I tested the water and everything was perfect so I then bought 2 penguin tetras (now aware that was a silly choice) and they died the next morning. I tested the water, which was still fine and got another 2 replacement tetras which again died the next day. I left the tank for another week due to being busy and then decided to purchase more fish, beforehand I did another test to make sure and all was well. The man who served me recommended a Minnow due to their hardiness and despite my disliking for them, I bought one. He then died yesterday, 4 days after purchasing him. I've done a water change, tested my water and it's still fine! Nitrites and ammonia are at 0ppm, Nitrates are at 5.0ppm and the pH is roughly around 7.0. The temperature is sitting at 26 degrees. I've got live plants, I haven't been overfeeding, why can't I keep fish alive in this tank?? Pulling my hair out right now!
Welcome to the forum, and I'm sorry for your losses

Normally I'd say the fish died because your tank isn't 'cycled' (ie, doesn't have a colony of good bacteria living in the filter), but it's odd you haven't seen any ammonia or nitrites at all, as it's usually raised levels of those that kill fish.

What are you using to test the water, and how often are you testing? Could there be contaminants around somewhere (spray deodorant? flea spray? air freshener?)

I would suggest you do a fishless cycle before you get any more fish anyway; there's lots of info on that on the forum, if you look around the forum. I would strip the tank down completely, and clean everything in hot salt water before you do that though, to rule out anything toxic that might be in there.
How are you adding the fish to your tank? are you leaving them in the bag and adding slowly a little at a time water from your tank? fish can die from pH shock, if your pH is different to that of the shop then fish can die in hours or a couple of days if you are just putting them straight in without getting them aclamated to your water.
Fluttermoth: I'm using the API testing kit. And no, I always use sprays outside my room as I have another tank in it. Thanks for your response!

Star4: Yep, did so slowly and gradually with the water. Maybe it is pH shock, but I did everything you said to avoid that.

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