When Will My Platy Give Birth?

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New Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Just wondering when my platy will have her babies. She's been hiding in the plants staying near the filter a lot, my male is always with her to. She's pretty big the gravid spot is like purpley colour and i see some black dots.
My platy always starts to hide and hover around the heater when she is about to drop. It is possible that you are close. I have started to mark on a calender when mY girl drops so I can estimate each one.

Maybe post a pic? Good luck with your fry, if you are trying to save some :)
5teady has given us a good pinned topic on how to tell a common livebearer is about to drop. I added to that with a full set of pictures from one drop to the next of my molly female, so that you can learn to judge the present status of a female, not just when she is about to drop. I will add another bit of advice, learn to completely ignore the "gravid spot". Here is why I say that. This girl was only a day from her next drop. Do you see a gravid spot at all?

My red wag platy is so dark, she never has a gravid spot. I am always watching her shape, which is something I have been seeing OldMan47 say a lot. Watch her this time if it's her first drop, and the next time, you will be able to see when she is almost ready by her belly shape.

My red wag does not get as big as OldMan47's molly in the picture. All fish are different, I am finding that watching the fish I have teaches me so much, and I use the forum as a guide on what to look for.

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