When To Start Cycle?


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2013
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So this will be the first fishless cycle I've done but the problem is I'm going away for a week on Sunday. I'm wondering if I should start the cycle now or wait until I get back from holiday. I was thinking it would be better to get a 'head-start' but I won't be able to test the readings for a week. Any help would be appreciated :)
Start before you go. It should take over a week before you need to add more ammonia. However, this assumes you will not be doing anything in terms of seeding bacteria by adding cycled media from another tank or via the useful bottled bacteria products.
You have no fish involved so even if things went absolutely insane, the worst you would do is come back and have to start over. But if you follow the instructions here for cycling your first tank, you should have no problems at all adding ammonia and going away for a week. In fact, I would almost suggest most first time cyclers do this. One wont waste time and money testing where is isn't really needed. One wont be anxious and try do do things they need and/or should not. In fact, when you get back it will mean your cycle is already about 20% done
That's great. I was hoping I'd be able to do that :D so would I be ok adding my first lot of ammonia today or should I wait until the day I leave?
Thanks for the quick reply
The first addition of ammonia and the nitrites that it will create should happen such that you should have to add more ammonia anywhere between about day 7 and 12 of the cycle. In between is more common. That is why I asked about seeding with some bacteria. If you were going to, it would shorten the time frames involved.
I would suggest you add the ammonia anytime from Friday evening until before you leave Sunday. That puts you back in around 8 and 9 days. So the odds are pretty good your timing will be fine.
Oh sorry. I forgot to answer that. I'll just be starting from scratch without adding and used filter media or bottle bacteria or anything. Seems easier if I'm going away. Thanks for the help! It's appreciated :)

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