When Can I Add Fish?


Fish Crazy
Apr 9, 2013
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Ive just set up my 55gal and im wondering when I can transfer some fish. I've put in completely new water (none from other tanks) but I've transfered over a filter and some bogwood straight from my mature tank. So im just wondered how long do I have to wait to put some fish in.

If I wait a while will the bacteria in my filter die because there is no ammonia going into the tank?
If you have added dechlorinated fresh water to the tank and then put a mature tank on it you need fish in there asap to keep the filters alive. If its new filters or new filter pads its a brand new cycle.
If this is the same one we were talking about how about moving the plecos over now as they will create a fair amount of waste that should help out :)
How much have you taken from your running filter in mature tank? - you may need to keep a close eye on ammonia levels from tank where media has been taken to ensure all ok over the next few weeks.

I would add a few fish but this all depends on how much mature media you transferred over from the other tank. I would also test the results in the new tank two - three times a day with an api master test kit to ensure all is ok in this one.

Good luck.
I've just moved over my sailfin pleco (big performance!) 13 inches of stressed out fish probably stronger than me! But hes in there now and found a hiding place behind a huge piece of slate. I put the other filter in my old tank about 3 months ago to get it to mature enough to transfer to my new tank ;-) the mature tank has 10x turnover per hour after I have taken this one out so it will be fine ;-) I have another filter still to be transfered tomorrow so that will add to the bacteria too..gotta go out soon.

And yep it's the same tank..and it's watertight lol ;-)
laurac94 said:
..and it's watertight lol ;-)
Allways a good thing ;) I think adding the pleco is the best option - plenty of waste to keep the filter up till you get your cichlids :D
Just keep testing the water frequently to see if you get any spikes.

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