Whats your favorite fish?

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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Hands down . The Convict Cichlid . Something about them just tickles me . Haven’t had a pair in twenty years but every time I pass them in a pet shop I have to stop and watch them for a bit . Years ago they were known in the trade as Kongo’s and that’s what I call them because a friends Dad had some and that’s what he called them even though we had never heard that at the time. Really a cool little cichlid and meaner than anything . They will not run from a fight even though they be outmatched. One poster on TFF once called them Supermax Prison Cichlids and that fits them .
Denison barb 😍
Pygmy corys. They're a lot of fun to watch. I'm always amused when I see some of mine join in and school with the neon tetras. Or when they chill and sit on leaves.
Red Scissortail. Great looking fish when well coloured and full size (7 inches). I'm down to my last one, must be 15 years old at least. Haven't seen any more since I bought them all that time ago.
Ray... what is a red scissor tail??? I find red scissor tail rasboras in stock, several places... but that's the only thing that comes up under a www search... the rasboras are at best half the size of the fish you are talking about... they wouldn't happen to be red tail sharks???

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