What's Wrong With My Fish? Pics Included.


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2012
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This fish's face is looking weird. Almost like a coating of some sort has developed over his eye and mouth. What could it be?



I have two of these same fish and the only one of them has these symptoms.
Nitrates were at 200 before as I didn't know that I was suppose to do water changes but they are now normal at around 50.

Ammonia and NItrite are on par.
, 50 is still high, unless you have a lot of plants I would keep the nitrates bellow 20. Your water is too dirty and your fish are living in their own waste so that is why its doesn't look so good.
Target nitrates below 20ppm with water changes using temperature matched dechlorinated water. When you say on par, do you mean ammonia and nitrite at zero consistently?
Yes, nitrites and amonia were 0.

I just want to make sure that this fish doesn't have a disease that the other fish can get.
Are those fish genetically modified for colour? I'd go with big water changes to get nitrate below 20ppm, and keep it below 20ppm, give it a week and see if it improves.
No, the fish are white. Nitrates are now at 30ppm. Do you think that the fish will actually get better or is this permanent.
It looks like a bacterial infection to me :S
Yes! I would certainly be medicating the tank...
What can I buy and does this infection have a certain name?
Hard to tell without knowing which country you are in ;)

If in the UK, I would use Myxazin made by Waterlife, its pretty easy to get hold of and fairly broad spectrum.

Couldnt tell you what strain of bacteria it is...

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