Fish Crazy
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum - hope someone can tell me what's wrong and what I should do.
Yesterday my ADFs were fine. Today, one of then has a swollen side to his/her belly (pics below).
Pip, the frog, is in a 5 gal with one other ADF and 4 ghost/grass shrimp. The water parameters are:
pH 7.6, ammonia 0, temp 80F. The tank has a lot of Java moss and a few small moss balls.
Pip is behaving normally - active, and eating. I haven't changed the food (zoomed frog and tadpole micro pellets). The only "new" thing is the shrimp and some additional java moss that I added over 1 week ago.
The tank has a sponge filter but is not cycled.
The other ADF looks normal and is behaving normal.
What's wrong with Pip? What should I do?

Yesterday my ADFs were fine. Today, one of then has a swollen side to his/her belly (pics below).
Pip, the frog, is in a 5 gal with one other ADF and 4 ghost/grass shrimp. The water parameters are:
pH 7.6, ammonia 0, temp 80F. The tank has a lot of Java moss and a few small moss balls.
Pip is behaving normally - active, and eating. I haven't changed the food (zoomed frog and tadpole micro pellets). The only "new" thing is the shrimp and some additional java moss that I added over 1 week ago.
The tank has a sponge filter but is not cycled.
The other ADF looks normal and is behaving normal.
What's wrong with Pip? What should I do?