What's With The Exclusive Area?


Fish Herder
Feb 4, 2013
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What is the reasoning behind this intention? I personally have found when building on-line communities that inclusion is key, or if there are excluded/secret areas they are kept separate, so that people never feel excluded. As a winner, I would guess I would be included/given access, yet would find it a bit off putting to others, especially as the competitions are not active anymore! I certainly would not have it as the first option on the forum as newbies may soon disappear!? Just my views...keen to see what others think...?

Its for the elites I mean contest winners and mods to hang out and discuss things away from the non elites I mean non contest winners. Every forum has protected areas but usually they are not seen, Eg the staff section on most forums is hidden and you need to be a staff member to even see the section.
I'll be honest - I don't like the idea that this section has appeared. It feel's like we are being segrigated and that just doesn't sit right with me
It's part of an idea the mod team have been working on. Chad set up the area because it was easy to do, we're not ready to do anything with it yet

It wasn't meant to be segregating in any way; we're actually still discussing how it might work, tbh! But it might be something along the lines of perhaps allowing more 'robust' discussion of the hobby, at a slightly more advanced level than the general forums.

But, it's still under discussion.
if it's going to be anything like the topic where other members were invited to 'critique' tanks up for TOTM that basicly turned into an area for members to be rude then I won't be playing I'm afraid. 
I can assure you rudeness won't be tolerated, whatever eventually happens in there.
Thanks, good to see what others think...

NickAu said:
Its for the elites I mean contest winners and mods to hang out and discuss things away from the non elites I mean non contest winners. Every forum has protected areas but usually they are not seen, Eg the staff section on most forums is hidden and you need to be a staff member to even see the section.
Agree, this is how I set up a global team, you saw different buttons depending on whether you were a visitor, team member or admin, but never did anyone feel excluded as they just never saw areas they were not part of.

fluttermoth said:
It's part of an idea the mod team have been working on. Chad set up the area because it was easy to do, we're not ready to do anything with it yet :blush:It wasn't meant to be segregating in any way; we're actually still discussing how it might work, tbh! But it might be something along the lines of perhaps allowing more 'robust' discussion of the hobby, at a slightly more advanced level than the general forums.But, it's still under discussion.
Thanks for explaining. Isn't this what the scientific section is for? I know you can never please all of the people all of the time, yet again I always believe in asking the client/customer what they want. I understand you want new ideas but they will not work if the people using the forum cannot see the value. When I built a very successful global team with the help of a system within the corporate intranet, it was only successful because it was always built with the team members ideas/approval of any ideas we had. I am not stating the mods cannot brainstorm etc., yet I know this forum is not as active as it once was, IMO, so therefore it is maybe worth asking the reasons why from those using or leaving it?

I personally find it a bit off putting to see such a closed area at the start of this system, could Chad at least move it to be the very last option at the bottom of the listings :)
Just for the record I do not feel excluded from anything.
It makes sense. I just had an idea... what if you made it where if you got like 1000 or more useful, non-spam posts you could use it? That would certainly make just a little more sense to me. Just a suggestion... ;)
I agree with RCA.
I use this forum rather than others because it seems to have the largest number of experienced people who post. Other sites abound with people replying things like, "Gee, I don't know. I haven't had that before." or "I'm not sure, but I've read that..." If I have a question about fish-keeping, I do an internet search and a search of my books first. Then, if I still have questions, I will come here and post the question because I know there are forum members here who have experience and are willing to share it. I don't really need the opinion of someone else who did a google search but who has no practical experience. I can do my own google search. This is the difference that I have found between this forum and the others.
Keeping the deeper, more scientific information hidden away from people who are trying to learn is a bit puzzling to me. I could see not being able to post in the more scientific section until you have been invited to do so, but what is the harm in everyone being able to read it? If the real knowledge is hidden behind a closed door, then how I am supposed to really learn and advance in this hobby? Some people are naturally motivated to learn all they can about their chosen hobby. Such people could learn a great deal by "listening in" on the discussions of the more advanced hobbyists. Perhaps, rather than make it inaccessible to all but a few, please consider making it read-only to everyone except those who are deemed advanced enough to post. That would allow for newbies to learn from the wisdom of others while being restricted from cluttering the posts with uninformed information of their own.
very nicely put Becky and I completely agree :)
Guys I am a member of a site where there is a male and female section, The males cant see whats in the female section and vice versa, To get access you actually have to pm a moderator and tell them if you are male or female, If you identify as a female you are given a pink ID,  If you lie about your gender they ban you.
Like I said every forum has protected areas, Think of it this way, When you win a competition you are promoted to a slightly higher rank. You are not missing out on much generally sections like that are just chit chat.
Give the staff here a chance to set things up, and remember you are not missing out on anything.
NickAu said:
Guys I am a member of a site where there is a male and female section, The males cant see whats in the female section and vice versa, To get access you actually have to pm a moderator and tell them if you are male or female, If you identify as a female you are given a pink ID,  If you lie about your gender they ban you.
Like I said every forum has protected areas, Think of it this way, When you win a competition you are promoted to a slightly higher rank. You are not missing out on much generally sections like that are just chit chat.
Give the staff here a chance to set things up, and remember you are not missing out on anything.
That's kind of crazy. But I see the intentions. Hey, it's not quite as bad as that... ;)
Don't believe everything you read ;)
Agree Becky with your thoughts too, let's continue to learn from each other.

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