Whats Happening To My Fish


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Hi Just woundered if any1 had any idea whats happened to my fish?

within the space of 2 weeks my clownfish has disapeared and now my flame angle has gone. which i'm very pi**ed off about.

They've just gone, Vanished any one any ideas. I've had shrimp disapear b4 and crabs. i'm now scared i'm gona lose anything else i put in?

Thanks alot
you checked powerheads, under rocks etc for dead bodies ? can be anywhere even stuck on back of filters
What are your tank params? Cos it may well be bad water killing them off?

If not the you may have a hitchhiker predator in the tank of some sort eg. a mantis shrimp or a predatory crab! I seem to be suffering from a similar problem in my tank but not as severe as yours sound!

Here is a Link to the thread I started off a few days ago asking for advice on what to do.

Hope it helps you out as there is nothing worse than waking up to find your fish/livestock are missing. Its a horribel feeling and trust me I've been through it! :/
i hear people talking about a mantis shrimp what are these. Is this the same as a pistol shrimp as i've got one of these?

My tanks a 24g nano cube so it's not that big

after leaving the light off all day yesterday i decided to put it on lnite to find some sort of crab legging it uder the live rock. My tanks been set up over 6 months now and i've never seen this crab before so must of come in on the live rock. after pulling lots of rock out of my tank i've managed toget it out (wot a job) i put it in a box with a tine peice of rock and it got on the rock and i couldn't belive my eyes as it sort of disapeared it blended perfectly in with the rock. i'm lucky to have caught it. Anyway took it down to lfs 2day but he wasn't sure what it was he kept it anyway, it had a black body with sort of yellow legs looked a bit hairy could this of been killing my fish. in the past i've also lost a number of different shrimps as well.

Thanks alot
Oh yeah another thing that happened about a month ago my star fish has lost a leg so now only has 4 legs so something's had that as well
its unlikely they are feeding on live healthy fish. Most of the things blamed for killing fish are just scavengers. Likely to be another issue doing the killing.
Mantis shrimps are very different. Do a quick search and you will see why!!
well not sure if this crab thing has solved it but i've bought 2 clownfish and put them in see what happens They've been in now about a week so far so good.

SH i have cheacked to rear chambers but it's dark in there and it's was a bit cloudy cos i'd just pulled a sponge out. so i don't think they are in there

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