What You Do With Dead Fish?


New Member
Oct 3, 2012
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I saw this question earlier and I had to share what I think about this. My fish get big like over 12" long and have a lot of meat on them. I think no point in letting all that good meat go to waste. Some of them are good to make sushi out of believe it or not.
I have no problem consuming meat, fish included, but it's important to know what the fish died of. Some may have bacterial or fungal infections or parasites. Many of the beautiful reef fish I own are food in other parts of the world.
i dont think i could eat my fishes!!! however my 2 rabbits are looking mighty plump now!! :good: :)
I'm really not sure what i feel, on this.

as a Crayfish keeper, It has occurred to me, especially after a berry.
personally i'm not that worried about the fact of eating, diseased fish.
because, if cooked properly, the should be safe.
I cant find (doesn't mean there aint any though) any diseases, communicable to humans, that aren't rendered safe by cooking.
however that's just "my view", nothing more.

if you live in the UK, Middle Asia or USA there is a fair chance you have already eaten a "tropical hobby fish".
Pangasius, we know it as an Iridescent, or ID Shark. is the most eaten "sea food" in the USA.
and is often offered, in the UK, by greedy shop keepers and sold as cod or haddock. (its about 1/3 the price of cod or haddock)
though i have seen some with it on the Menu.
if you live in the UK, Middle Asia or USA there is a fair chance you have already eaten a "tropical hobby fish".
So true...and crayfish for that matter. I love them! Here in Arizona we have several lakes with large populations of them and the Arizona Fish and Game Department is aways telling people to catch and eat as many as they like. It's part of Cajun and Southern cooking in general here in America.

I know the Kole tang which I keep is eaten and many of the nicer tangs ae eaten in PNG so...go figure.

But I do agree with the above...I'm not sure I could eat one of MY fish...
I don't think I would eat a fish that was raised on flakes and in a relatively small tank its whole life. Idk I'll stick to my wild catch ;)
Seeing as I don't actually eat fish (I'm not against it, I just don't like the taste) my fishies are all safe. I doubt you'd get much meat off them anyways. I have to admit though, since I have been a lover of reef tanks I was quiet shocked to see a type of HUGE wrasse caught via spear fishing and were going home for dinner...I love live Wrasse :-(

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