What Would You Guys Think.....


Fish Addict
Oct 25, 2010
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of a post apocalyptic fish tank scene? Like not super cheesy ornaments.. but like what id do is hand make then out of Terracotta clay... then paint them with a glaze and fire them or clear glaze em...

So like brick walls that are crumbling down... a hollow half demolished street corner building... and im not talking as tall as the tank, but a good size... id even tie mosses and Brazilian pennywort to it so it gives it an overgrown feeling... and it would be sticking out of sand so a run down desert post apocalyptic planted brackish water killer archer fish tank!

any thoughts? Maybe ill draw something up...
of a post apocalyptic fish tank scene? Like not super cheesy ornaments.. but like what id do is hand make then out of Terracotta clay... then paint them with a glaze and fire them or clear glaze em...

So like brick walls that are crumbling down... a hollow half demolished street corner building... and im not talking as tall as the tank, but a good size... id even tie mosses and Brazilian pennywort to it so it gives it an overgrown feeling... and it would be sticking out of sand so a run down desert post apocalyptic planted brackish water killer archer fish tank!

any thoughts? Maybe ill draw something up...

I wouldn't do it myself, but it sounds awesome!
Hmmmm. It could either come out awesome or cheesy. If you did it right, I think it would be amazing! :D You should go for it and post pictures!
Sounds interesting and would certainly be unique! I say go for it! :good:

be careful what you put in...the zombies could get eaten, and anyway who would want to put rotting corpses in a fish tank... :lol:

I am going to try for a very loosely themed dilapidated graveyard scene with the odd coffin dotted around and will soon post pics for comments; your theme sounds great, go for it!! Do make sure the sand is black won't you? Great colour contrast with your inmates!
lol thanks guys... ill try firing a a piece of finished rubble and see how it looks..
Sounds like a good idea to me, as long as it doesn't involve cheesy P@H ornaments :lol:
Sounds like a good idea to me, as long as it doesn't involve cheesy P@H ornaments :lol:
haha im going to try and make it as realistic as possible...the reason why im doing this is so i have some interesting decor to move around if my future figure 8 puffer starts pacing... im sure he/she would find some city ruins interesting to explore!
Not exactly my cup of tea but if you feel the need, why not go for it? Each of us must approach this hobby in our own way and from our own perspective. That can make a very interesting spectrum of responses to the basic question of how to decorate a tank. I would love to see the end result of the direction that you are suggesting.
I think part of the problem with ornaments is that many people who have them in their tanks are new fishkeepers with no idea what the word aquascape even means and they just plonk a bunch of ornaments in there. To us more experienced aquarists, it can look a bit naff.

At the end of the day though, as long as the owner thinks it looks good, then that's all that matters.

I'm planning on setting up a shrimp tank soon using a skull ornament. I'm really trying hard to make it look stylised and creating a natural looking scape rather than making it look just plonked in there. I'm going to grow moss over it. My aim is to make it look like a skull has fallen to the bottom of a riverbed and it's remained there many years.

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