Currently I have a trigon 190 with playsand substrate and low tech planted, stocking is;
loads of platties
2 breeding kribs and 1 female (birthed by them and grown on)
3 bristlenose
1 common plec
a few rummy nose tetras
a few porkchop rasboras
1 female pearl gourami
2 gold gourami
1 blue gourami
1 leopard loach
Apple snails
I really want to change the stocking to something i can feel more involved in, I'd like to keep the common plec but done mind selling the rest.
I dont think I want lots of little fish, I think i just want a few big ones (obviously not too big for the tank) and it'd be nice if they could breed easily (I have an RO unit so can control PH easily)
loads of platties
2 breeding kribs and 1 female (birthed by them and grown on)
3 bristlenose
1 common plec
a few rummy nose tetras
a few porkchop rasboras
1 female pearl gourami
2 gold gourami
1 blue gourami
1 leopard loach
Apple snails
I really want to change the stocking to something i can feel more involved in, I'd like to keep the common plec but done mind selling the rest.
I dont think I want lots of little fish, I think i just want a few big ones (obviously not too big for the tank) and it'd be nice if they could breed easily (I have an RO unit so can control PH easily)