Fish Addict
Hi guy's in need of some advise , i awoke this morning to discover that my filter had decided to spew it's contents back into the aquarium overnight , i've woke up this morning to everything dead except from the plec .Everything is cleaned and scrubbed and sorted but i'm now at a loose end at what to do with the tank , what do i stock with ?
It seems like i've went round in massive circles from , community to cichlid's to marine to coldwater back to community tropical's.Now i've got the opportunity to basically start from scratch and i'm stumped at what to restock with . So i thought i'd hear what you's would stock it with? it's a 330litre tank dimensions of 48"L x15"W x 28"H
It seems like i've went round in massive circles from , community to cichlid's to marine to coldwater back to community tropical's.Now i've got the opportunity to basically start from scratch and i'm stumped at what to restock with . So i thought i'd hear what you's would stock it with? it's a 330litre tank dimensions of 48"L x15"W x 28"H