What The Heck Is It?


New Member
Sep 4, 2012
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i have a female beta, 2 dalmation mollies, 1 black molly, and 2 platies. the beta i've had for a while the other ones i just got last week. well on sunday i checked out the tank and saw this pink thing stuck on one of the plastic leaves. one of the platies (the bigger one) keeps hanging around it. could it be an egg sack? i thought they were all live bearers? i tried to upload a picture of the thing, but it said the file was too big. could someone please help me with this? thank you.
could you describe it a bit better or try to resize your photo? photobucket should automaticaly resize for you
i attached a picture of it. sorry it's kinda blurry...


  • eggs.jpg
    5.6 KB · Views: 39
Can you enlarge the pic.

A better description would help.
Does the mass look like a deformed fry.
Sack of parasites.
Sack of eggs. etc.
I tried taking a closer more in focus picture but this was the best I could get. I'm not sure if its an egg sack or what.
You could cut the leaf off and pull it out of the tank and take a picture.

I agree with this member. It's worth a try.

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