What Protein Skimmer To Use... Red Sea Prizm?


Fish Addict
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
East Midlands, UK
Hi there, :hi:

After much thought I have decided I am going to use a protein skimmer on my 24gallon nano reef tank, but there is so much controversy over which one to use so I would like to ask the advice of all marine reefers out there to please add replies regarding their personal favourites.

Currently I am thinking about buying a red sea prizm protein skimmer as I need one that wont tank up too much room, is quite affordable and will hang on the back of the tank.

Does anyone have any experience with the red sea prizm hang-on protein skimmer? Or are there any other suggestions or what will do the job?

All replies will be highly appreciated.

Cheerz :good:
While the redsea prism takes little room, is affordable, and hangs on the back, it's ability to skim is severely lacking. A waste of money IMO. You're really gonna struggle to find a small, affordable, HOB skimmer that skims well, and is reliable. If you're willing to give up the "affordable" option, consider a Deltec MCE300, but if you're not willing to give up affordable, dont use one. Do large waterchanges instead
I bought the Tunze Nano skimmer to run in my 24 while on vacation. I selected it because it will fit in the back compartment directly behind the intake. The skimmer works reasonably well, but keeping the water level correct in the back compartments of the nano requires being disciplined in adding top-off water. This could be an argument for a HOB skimmer I suppose. I believe most people run without a skimmer on a tank this size and given the amount of waste collected by the Tunze, I'm not sure how much it really helps as I change 15-20% of the water almost every week.
Thank you for your input.

I have been looking at the Deltec MCE300, it was going to be my second choice after the prizm, it is a bit expensive but I suppose it is a better long term investment than the Prizm. So does anybody here have any experience with the Deltec MCE300? Just thought I'd get a few more opinions before buying.

Cheerz :good:
well my tunze gets aprox 50ml a day of nasty brownish skimmate, but i am going through problems with my tank now, i think something died that i cant find since all my corals are closed, black hair algae and diatoms are growing fast, and my skimmer is going crazy..... Well ive been doing 50% water changes to try and fix it (with no hope)

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